« 石川啄木 『悲しき玩具』 Sad Toys by Takuboku Ishikawa | Main | Yoshida-Torajiro by Robert Louis Stevenson スティーヴンスン / スティヴンソン / ステイヴンスン 「吉田寅次郎」「ヨシダ・トラジロウ」 »

Monday, 05 January 2009

三島由紀夫「太陽と鉄」 Sun and Steel by Yukio Mishima

■表紙画像 Cover photos

Left Sun and Steel Kodansha International. 1980
Centre 篠山紀信 『三島由紀夫の家 普及版』美術出版社 2000
Right決定版 三島由紀夫全集33 評論8』新潮社 2003

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Yukio_mishima_sun_and_steel  Mishima_yukio_no_ie  Mishima_zenshu_33

■英訳 Translation into English

Of late, I have come to sense within myself an accumulation of all kinds of things that cannot find adequate expression via an objective artistic form such as the novel. A lyric poet of twenty might manage it, but I am twenty no longer, and have never been a poet at any rate. I have grouped around, therefore, for some other form more suited to such personal utterances and have come up with a kind of hybrid between confession and criticism, a subtly equivocal mode that one might call "confidential criticism."

I see it as a twilight genre between the night of confession and the daylight of criticism. The "I" with which I shall occupy myself will not be the "I" that relates back strictly to myself, but something else, some residue, that remains after all the other words I have uttered have flowed back into me, something that neither relates back nor flows back.


   Sun and Steel (1970) by Yukio Mishima
   Translated by John Bester
   Paperback: Japan's Modern Writers. Kodansha International. 1980
■日本語原文 The original text in Japanese




   1. 三島由紀夫 / 三島由紀夫. -- 新学社, 2007.7.
     -- (新学社近代浪漫派文庫 ; 42)
   2. 三島由紀夫文学論集. 1 / 三島由紀夫[他]. -- 講談社, 2006.4.
     -- (講談社文芸文庫)
   3. 決定版 三島由紀夫全集. 33 評論8 / 三島由紀夫. -- 新潮社, 2003.8.
   4. 太陽と鉄 / 三島由紀夫. -- 講談社, 2000. -- (講談社文庫)
   5. 太陽と鉄 / 三島由紀夫. -- 中央公論社, 1987.11. -- (中公文庫)
   6. 三島由紀夫全集. 32 / 編纂:佐伯彰一. -- 新潮社, 1975
   7. 三島由紀夫全集. 32 / 編纂:佐伯彰一. -- 新潮社, 1975
   8. 太陽と鉄 / 三島由紀夫. -- 講談社, 1968
   引用は 3. に拠りました。

■外部リンク External links

   * 三島由紀夫 - Wikipedia (1925-1970)
   * 三島由紀夫文学館
   * Yukio Mishima - Wikipedia (1925-1970)

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