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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

那須正幹=文、西村繁男=絵 『絵で読む 広島の原爆』 Hiroshima: A Tragedy Never to Be Repeated by Masamoto Nasu & Shigeo Nishimura

■はじめに Introduction


それよりもわたしが子どもや大人にお薦めしたいのは、この絵本です。『絵で読む 広島の原爆』 那須正幹(なす・まさもと)=文、西村繁男(にしむら・しげお)=絵。特定のイデオロギーを吹き込まれるよりも、まず事実を正確に知りたいと考える人にとっては、とても有益な本だと思います。

 Cover photos  表紙画像

en En_hiroshima_a_tragedy_never_to_be_ ko Ko__9788958280040

ja Ja_e_de_yomu_hiroshima_no_genbaku_9

[en] ISBN 483401200X Hiroshima: A tragedy never to be repeated 2004 Amazon.com
[en] ISBN 483401200X 英語版 絵で読む広島の原爆 2004 Amazon.co.jp

[ko] ISBN 8958280042 히로시마 - 되풀이해선 안 될 비극 2004 알라딘 (Aladin)
[ko] ISBN 8958280042 히로시마 - 되풀이해선 안 될 비극 2004 오픈키드
[ko] ISBN 8958280042 히로시마 - 되풀이해선 안 될 비극 2004 어린이동아
[ko] ISBN 8958280042 ヒロシマ 韓国語版 絵で読む広島の原爆 2004 高麗書林

[ja] ISBN 4834012654 絵で読む 広島の原爆 1995 Amazon.co.jp

 Sample 1  Pages 2-3

Image source: 오픈키드 (Open Kid)
Hiroshima seen from a height of 580 meters, on the morning of August 6, 1994
1994年(平成6年)朝/広島市上空 580 m

[en] English
It's August 6 again. A blue sky announces the beginning of another hot summer day in Hiroshima. A constant hum of cicadas comes from the trees in Peace Memorial Park, just as it did on the fateful morning long ago.

[ja] 日本語

 Sample 2  Pages 14-15

Image source: Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
East of Shin-Ohashi Bridge (the present West Peace Bridge). 1945.

[en] English
From the autumn of 1944 onwards, buildings were destroyed or relocated to create a wide firebreak stretching from east to west in the center of the city, even though Hiroshima had hardly suffered any bombings since the beginning of the war. In fact a rumor passed among the people of Hiroshima that their city would be alright.

[ja] 日本語

 Sample 3  Pages 22-23

Image source: 오픈키드 (Open Kid)

[en] English
  At 8:14 minutes and 30 seconds the bombardier on the Enola Gay sighted their target, the Aioi Bridge, and 30 seconds later when the bridge was at the center of his bombsight, he pressed the automatic control button, which released the bomb 15 seconds later.

  At 8:15'17 little Boy
        left the aircraft
              and fell towards
                    its target.

  43 seconds later, just before 8:16 A.M., it exploded 580 meters above Shima Hospital, in Saiku-machi, now known as Otemachi. This was 280 meters astray of the actual target.

[ja] 日本語


 43秒後の午前8時16分、投下(とうか)目標地点より約280メートルはずれた細工町(さいくまち)19番地(現大手町(げんおおてまち)1丁目5-24)島(しま)病院の上空 580 メートルで炸裂(さくれつ)しました。

 Sample 4  Pages 34-35

Image source: ホンマカ!改
Shukkei Park and Kyobashi River 1.2 kilometers from the hypocenter.
Midday, 4 hours after the explosion. August 6.

[en] English
The fires were most intense between eleven o'clock that morning and three in the afternoon. Hounded by their flames, people ran in search of a safe reggae but found none. Flames even licked the surface of the river.

[ja] 日本語

 Sample 5  Pages 38-39

Image source: Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
The Second Quarantine Office on Ninoshima Island
(the present Hiroshima Peace Memorial Old People's Home)
8 kilometers from the hypocenter. Evening, August 6.

[en] English
Rescue operations began less than one hour after the explosion. A military shipping unit and other troops who had suffered only minor injuries began treating the victims and removing the critically injured. As many as possible were taken to the suburbs and to islands in Hiroshima Bay.

[ja] 日本語

 Sample 6  Pages 42-43

Image source: 오픈키드 (Open Kid)
Koi National School (the present Koi Elementary School). August 9.

[en] English
First aid centers throughout the city overflowed with injured people. The bodies of those who died were taken to a makeshift crematorium where they were cremated and then buried. Their places were immediately taken by new patients injured by the explosion. Three days later, many hovered between life and death in Hiroshima, while the second A-bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, creating thousands of new victims.

[ja] 日本語

A Day That Shook the World - 6th August 1945
Atomic Bomb Dropped in Hiroshima - British Pathé

Uploaded to YouTube by sudarshan chakravarthy on 24 Dec 2012. (C) Ace Films, BBC Worldwide Library Sales, British Pathé. Presented by John Humphrys. Written by Gordon Carr. Available on DVD as part of The Great Events of the 20th Century (1999). Distributed by Carlton Video. More details at British Universities Film & Video Council

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  • 2013-08-28 画像の出典を補足し、見本ページと外部リンクおよび A Day That Shook the World の YouTube 動画を追加しました。

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