"Thinking about home?" Goemon said.
Manjiro nodded.
"I guess you'll never become a samurai now, huh, Manjiro-chan?"
"Why not?" Manjiro asked.
"Even if we should get home, you know very well you can't be. You weren't born into a samurai family. You were born a fisherman's son and you will be a fisherman, and any sons you have, they also will be fishermen. That is the way it is; that is the way it has always been; that is the way it will always be."
Manjiro sighed. That was always the reason; that had always been the reason; and, he supposed, that would always be the reason.
Video 1
The Emma E. Booker Elementary School, in Sarasota, Florida, on Sept. 11, 2001
サンドラ・ケイ・ダニエルズ先生の授業を見学するブッシュ大統領。決定的瞬間は 0:04〜0:09 あたり。 President Bush visits a class taught by Sandra Key Daniels. The decisive moments are the first 10 seconds or so.
Mrs. Daniels led the class through a reading drill. After a few minutes, she told the students to pick up their lesson books. I sensed a presence behind me. Andy Card pressed his head next to mine and whispered in my ear. "A second plane hit the second tower," he said, pronouncing each word deliberately in his Massachusetts accent. "America is under attack."
Chapter 5 - Day of Fire Decision Points by George W. Bush. Crown Publishers, 2010-11-09
Video 3
President Bush's reflexes: Iraqi "shoe-icide attack"
Press conference at the Prime Minister's Palace in Baghdad, Iraq, 2008-12-14. More details at BBC News.
The World Trade Center site: 10 years since 9/11
↓ Click to enlarge ↓
2011年3月。撮影者は Mark Lennihan/AP。自分で好きなところをクリックするとズームできる画像が、源サイト BBC News, 2011-09-07 にある。This picture by Mark Lennihan/AP was taken in March 2011. Zoomable image is available at the source website: BBC News, 2011-09-07
■Mahatma Gandhi 2 October 2010 | Life and Work of Mahatma Gandhi
■中国語訳(簡体字) Translations into simplified Chinese
(C1) 向达 2007
[テキストは未見 - tomoki y.]
Title: 甘地自传 = Mahatma Gandhi: His Own Story
Author: 甘地着 C. F. Andrews编 ; 向达译
Gandhi, Mahatma; C F Andrews; Da Xiang
Publisher: 北京中献拓方科技发展有限公司
Year: 2007
My brother's wife had thoroughly coached me about my behaviour on the first night. I do not know who had coached my wife. I have never asked her about it, nor am I inclined to do so now. The reader may be sure that we were too nervous to face each other. We were certainly too shy. How was I to talk to her, and what was I to say? The coaching could not carry me far. But no coaching is really necessary in such matters. The impressions of the former birth are potent enough to make all coaching superfluous. We gradually began to know each other, and to speak freely together. We were the same age. but I took no time in assuming the authority of a husband.
Encuadernación: Tapa dura
ISBN: 9788496879140
Año de edición:2008
Plaza edición: BARCELONA
[fr] フランス語 Clapton par Eric Clapton [Broché]
Eric Clapton (Auteur), Florence Bertrand (Traduction)
Broché: 320 pages
Editeur : Buchet Chastel (11 octobre 2007)
Collection : Musique
Langue : Français
ISBN-10: 2283022517
ISBN-13: 978-2283022511
[en] 英語 UK paperback
タイトル: Eric Clapton: The Autobiography
著者: Eric Clapton
出版社: London: Arrow Books (an imprint of Random House UK)
出版年: 2008-07-03
ISBN-10 : 0099505495
ISBN-13 : 9780099505495 Publisher's page for this book
[en] 英語 US paperback
タイトル: Clapton: The Autobiography
著者: Eric Clapton
出版社: New York: Broadway Books (an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House Inc.)
出版年: 2008-05-27
ISBN-10 : 076792536X
ISBN-13 : 9780767925365 Publisher's page for this book
[en] 英語 UK hardcover
タイトル: Eric Clapton: The Autobiography
著者: Eric Clapton
出版社: London: Century (a division of Random House UK)
出版年: 2007-10-09
ISBN-10 : 1846051606
ISBN-13 : 9781846051609 Publisher's page for this book
[en] 英語 US hardcover
タイトル: Clapton: The Autobiography
著者: Eric Clapton
出版社: New York: Crown Archetype (an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc.)
出版年: 2007-10-09
ISBN-10 : 038551851X
ISBN-13 : 9780385518512 Publisher's page for this book
[Omission] As luck would have it, she was put at the desk directly in front of me in the classroom, so one morning I plucked up courage and asked her, without any idea of what the words meant, “Do you fancy a shag?” She looked at me with a bemused expression, because she obviously didn’t have a clue what I was talking about, but at playtime she went and told another girl what I’d said, and asked what it meant. After lunch I was summoned to the headmaster’s office, where, after being quizzed as to exactly what I had said to her and being made to promise to apologize, I was bent over and given six of the best. I left in tears, and the whole episode had a dreadful effect on me, as from that point on I tended to associate sex with punishment, shame, and embarrassment, feelings that colored my sexual life for years.
英テレビ局チャンネル5のドキュメンタリー番組。オリジナル放映は2007年5月。『毛沢東 ある人生』の著者フィリップ・ショートが追った毛沢東の生涯。監督はエイドリアン・メイベン。毛の1976年の死と、それに続く四人組糾弾、劉少奇の名誉回復などを、関係者の証言を交えて振り返った番組最終部。
A TV documentary produced for UK's Channel Five. Author and former BBC correspondent Philip Short looks at Mao's life from his childhood and rise to power to his death in 1976. Directed by Adrian Maben.
Biographies of Mao Zedong: Some of the editions in Japanese
下の b.〜g. の各タイトルは a. の「訳者あとがき」で訳者代表・山形浩生氏によって、簡潔かつ明快に、紹介され評価を下されている。
Twice before in Chinese history, radical despotisms have ushered in long periods of peace and prosperity. The First Emperor of Qin unified the feudal princedoms in the third century BC but his dynasty survived for only fifteen years. He paved the way for the Han, the first Golden Age of Chinese antiquity, which endured four centuries. In the sixth and early seventh centuries AD, the Sui, who reunified China after a time of division and instability known as the Six Dynasties and the Three Kingdoms, ruled for thirty-nine years. They were followed by the Tang, the second Golden Age, which lasted for three centuries.
Mao ruled for twenty-seven years. If the past, as he believed, is indeed a mirror for the present, will the twenty-first century mark the start of a third Chinese golden age, for which the Maoist dictatorship will have opened the way?
Or will it be his fate to be remembered as a flawed colossus, who brought fundamental change on a scale that only a handful of others had managed in all the years of China's history, but then failed to follow through?
Epilogue Mao: A Life by Philip Short
Hodder & Stoughton Ltd, 1999-11-04
Excerpt at Amazon.com
英テレビ局チャンネル5のドキュメンタリー番組。オリジナル放映は2007年5月。『毛沢東 ある人生』の著者フィリップ・ショートが毛沢東の率いた血なまぐさい共産革命を追う。監督は上掲フランス番組のシナリオを書いたエイドリアン・メイベン。
A TV documentary produced for UK's Channel Five. Author and former BBC correspondent Philip Short looks at Mao's life from his childhood and rise to power to his death in 1976. Directed by Adrian Maben. More info at IMDb.
The grand ceremony inaugurating the People's Republic of China
1949年10月1日、北京で行われた中華人民共和国建国式典。天安門の上に立った毛沢東がつよい湖南訛りの中国語で建国を宣言する。Mao announcing the establishment of the People's Republic of China during the ceremony on Tiananmen Square on 1 October 1949.
■『毛沢東 ある人生』——表紙画像コレクション
Mao: A Life: Cover photo collection
[es] スペイン語
タイトル: Mao (Biblioteca de Bolsillo) [Paperback]
著者: Philip Short (Author), David Martinez Robles (Translator)
出版社: Critica
出版年: 2007-12-30
ISBN-10 : 8484328589
ISBN-13 : 9788484328582
[es] スペイン語
タイトル: Mao [Hardcover]
著者: Philip Short (Author), David Martinez Robles (Translator)
出版社: Critica
出版年: 2004-02
ISBN-10 : 8484324362
ISBN-13 : 9788484324362
[fr] フランス語
タイトル: Mao Tsé-toung [Broché]
著者: Philip Short (Auteur), Colette Lahary-Gautié (Traduction)
出版社: Fayard
出版年: 2005
ISBN-10 : 2213626073
ISBN-13 : 9782213626079 Publisher's page for this book
[en] 英語
タイトル: Mao: A Life
著者: Philip Short
出版社: John Murray Publishers Ltd
出版年: 2004-10-11
ISBN-10 : 0719566762
ISBN-13 : 9780719566769
[en] 英語
タイトル: Mao: A Life
著者: Philip Short
出版社: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
出版年: 1999-11-04
ISBN-10 : 034060624X
ISBN-13 : 9780340606247 Publisher's page for this book
The Chinese as a nation have always been unfazed by natural processes which send Anglo-Saxons in particular into contortions of squeamishness. Small children were, and in most parts of the country still are, brought up wearing split trousers so that they can squat and relieve themselves wherever the urge takes them. Adults use communal latrines, where defecation is a social event. Mao was never reconciled to Western-style lavatories with a seat and flushing water. Even at Zhongnanhai in the early 1950s, when he was already Head of State, it was one of the duties of his personal bodyguards to follow him out into the garden with a shovel, and dig a hole in the ground for Mao to perform his bowel movement. The practice ended only after Zhou Enlai arranged for a specially built latrine which met with Mao's approval to be installed next to his bedroom.
Chapter One: A Confucian Childhood Mao: A Life by Philip Short
Hodder & Stoughton Ltd, 1999-11-04
Excerpt at Amazon.com
Video 1
東京裁判—判決の言渡し 1948-11-12 (音声: 英語、ナレーションと字幕: 日本語)
The Tokyo Tribunal: Sentencing (Sound in English, Narration & Subtitles in Japanese)
広田弘毅への絞首刑宣告は 2:50 あたり。Death sentence to Hirota around 2:50.
"Accused Hirota Koki, on the counts of the indictment on which you have been convicted, the International Military Tribunal for the Far East sentences you to death by hanging."
Video 2
東京裁判—被告人の個人反証(音声: 英語、ナレーション&字幕: 日本語)
The Tokyo Tribunal: Personal disproof
(Sound in English, Narration & Subtitles in Japanese)
画像の源は未確認。The source of the video is not confirmed.
Video 3
東京裁判—罪状認否(音声: 英語&日本語、ナレーション: 日本語)
The Tokyo Tribunal: Arraignment for the accused
(Sound in English & Japanese, Narration in Japanese)
広田弘毅の罪状認否は 2:22 あたり。Arraignment for Hirota around 2:22.
Image gallery
表紙画像と肖像写真 Cover photos and a portrait
↓ Click to enlarge ↓
a. b. c.
d. e. f.
■書誌情報その他 Bibliographic and other information
[en] 英語
タイトル: War Criminal: The Life and Death of Hirota Koki
著者: Saburo Shiroyama (Author) John Bester (Translator)
出版社: Kodansha America
出版年: 1980-05
ISBN-10 : 0870113682
ISBN-13 : 9780870113680
[en] 英語
タイトル: War Criminal: The Life and Death of Hirota Koki
著者: Saburo Shiroyama (Author) John Bester (Translator)
出版社: Kodansha America
出版年: 1977-10
ISBN-10 : 0870112759
ISBN-13 : 9780870112751
[en] 英語
外務大臣(当時)広田弘毅の肖像を表紙に載せたアメリカの週刊ニュース雑誌『タイム』。カバーストーリー を読むと、当時の日本と米英との対立が、もっぱら日本の綿織物輸出などをめぐる貿易摩擦として捉えられていたことがわかります。記事は、はじめ外交官試験に落第した広田がその後徐々に出世していった経緯を紹介し、彼を平和維持のため奔走する人物 (Keeper of Peace) として好意的に描いています。
Japan: Keeper of Peace
The May 21, 1934 issue of Time magazine, featuring Koki Hirota, the then foreign minister of Japan on its cover. Image source: Time Archive
Portrait of Koki Hirota (Kōki Hirota, Kohki Hirota). Photographer unknown. Date of photo unknown.
■英訳 Translation into English
On the afternoon of December 24, 1948, a the Kuboyama crematory on the outskirts of Yokohama, a small group of men were furtively digging up the spot where the crematory disposed of any ashes not required by the families of the deceased. Japan was under Occupation rule at the time, and it was the eyes of the U.S. army that the men were so eager to avoid. Fortunately, it was Christmas Eve, and they also had the support of the director of the crematory for their plan.
城山三郎=著 『落日燃ゆ』 a. 『城山三郎 昭和の戦争文学5』 2005-10-22 b. 『城山三郎伝記文学選2』 岩波書店 1999-01 c. 『落日燃ゆ』 新潮文庫 1986-11 d. 『城山三郎全集』 新潮社 1980-03 e. 『落日燃ゆ』 新潮社 1974
初版は e.。引用は a. に拠りました。
城山三郎講演 広田弘毅の青年時代
Hirota Koki in his early years: Lecture by Saburo Shiroyama
音源はおそらく新潮CD『城山三郎講演 第一集 私の好きな日本人』ではないかと思います。新潮社のサイトによれば、このCDに収録されているのは1974年5月17日に新潮文化講演会で行われた講演だそうです。 Uploaded to YouTube by zerowins on 5 Jul 2011.
■はじめに——「わが人生で最大のできごと」 2
Introduction: "The most important event in my life" 2
[zh] 中国語訳(簡体字)
- 达尔文自传
[zh] 中國語譯(繁體字)
- 達爾文自傳
[de] ドイツ語訳
„Die Reise mit der Beagle war das bei weitem bedeutendste Ereignis in meinem Leben und hat meinen gesamten Werdegang bestimmt.“
- Die Autobiographie von Charles Darwin
[nl] オランダ語訳
"De reis van de Beagle is verreweg de meest belangrijke gebeurtenis in mijn leven geweest en heeft mijn hele levensloop bepaald."
- De autobiografie van Charles Darwin
[it] イタリア語訳
“il viaggio del Beagle è stato di gran lunga l'evento più importante nella mia vita e ha determinato la mia intera carriera.”
- L'autobiografia di Charles Darwin
[pt] ポルトガル語訳
“A viagem do Beagle foi sem dúvida o acontecimento mais importante de minha vida e determinou toda a minha carreira.”
- A Autobiografia de Charles Darwin
[es] スペイン語訳
"El viaje del Beagle ha sido con mucho el acontecimiento más importante de mi vida, y ha determinado toda mi carrera"
- La autobiografía de Charles Darwin
[fr] フランス語訳
"Le voyage du Beagle a été de beaucoup l'événement le plus important de ma vie et a déterminé ma carrière entière"
- L'Autobiographie de Charles Darwin
[en] 英語原文
"The voyage of the "Beagle" has been by far the most important event in my life, and has determined my whole career"
- The Autobiography of Charles Darwin
Virtual HMS Beagle 3D Darwin Mirage3D (No sound)
第三章 ビーグル号の航海
チャールズ・ダーウィン=著 八杉龍一+江上生子=訳 a. 『ダーウィン自伝』 ちくま学芸文庫 2000 b. 『ダーウィン自伝』 筑摩書房 1972
引用は a. に拠りました。
原書: The autobiography of Charles Darwin 1809-1882.
With the original omissions restored.
Edited and with appendix and notes by his grand-daughter Nora Barlow.
London: Collins, 1958
『チャールズ・ダーウィン (1809-1882) の自伝 原典削除箇所復元版』
原書: 上の小泉訳はつぎの本の第一章から第四章までの翻訳 Charles Darwin: His Life Told in an Autobiographical Chapter,
and in a Selected Series of his Published Letters,
edited by his son, Francis Darwin
Bij thuiskomst van mijn korte geologische trip in Noord-Wales vond ik een brief van Henslow, waarin hij me verteld dat kapitein Fitz-Roy bereid was een deel van zijn hut af te staan aan een jonge man die als onbetaald natuuronderzoeker hem zou willen vergezellen op een lange reis met de Beagle. [Omission] Op deze plaats wil ik alleen zeggen dat ik er onmiddellijk op gebrand was het aanbod aan te nemen, maar dat mijn vader zich heftig verzette, waaraan hij de voor mij fortuinlijke woorden toevoegde: ‘Als je één persoon met gezond verstand kan vinden die je aanraadt mee te gaan, dan zal ik mijn toestemming geven.’ Ik schreef die avond dus een brief waarin ik het aanbod afwees, en vertrok de ochtend daarna naar Maer om me voor te bereiden op de 1e
september. Terwijl ik aan het jagen was, liet mijn oom mij halen en bood aan met mij naar Shrewsbury te gaan om met mijn vader te praten. Daar mijn oom meende dat het goed voor mij zou zijn als ik het aanbod aannam, en daar mijn vader altijd beweerde dat mijn oom een van de verstandigste mensen ter wereld was, gaf hij direct op een uiterst vriendelijke manier toe.
De retour à la maison après mon court voyage géologique au nord du pays de Galles, je trouvai une lettre d'Henslow m'informant que le capitaine FitzRoy souhaitait céder une partie de sa propre cabine à un jeune volontaire désireux de participer, comme naturaliste et sans traitement, au voyage du Beagle. [Omission] je dirai seulement ici que je voulus sur-le-champ accepter cette offre, mais que mon père émit de fortes objections, ajoutant toutefois ces mots qui furent ma chance : «Si tu trouves un homme de bon sens qui te conseille d'y aller, j'y consentirai.» Le soir même, j'écrivis pour refuser la proposition. Le matin suivant, j'allai à Maer afin d'être prêt pour l'ouverture du 1er septembre. Alors que je m'exerçais au tir, mon oncle me fit appeler, et proposa de me ramener à Shrewsbury afin de parler à mon père. Mon oncle estimait sage d'accepter la proposition; comme mon père avait toujours dit qu'il était l'homme le plus sensé du monde, il donna aussitôt son consentement de la manière la plus affable.
LibriVox recording of The Autobiography of Charles Darwin 03 – Voyage of the ‘Beagle’ (MP3)
from December 27, 1831, to October 2, 1836 – 00:16:25
■英語原文 The original text in English
On returning home from my short geological tour in N. Wales, I found a letter from Henslow, informing me that Captain Fitz-Roy was willing to give up part of his own cabin to any young man who would volunteer to go with him without pay as naturalist to the Voyage of the Beagle. [Omission] I was instantly eager to accept the offer, but my father strongly objected, adding the words fortunate for me,—"If you can find any man of common sense, who advises you to go, I will give my consent." So I wrote that evening and refused the offer. On the next morning I went to Maer to be ready for September 1st, and whilst out shooting, my uncle sent for me, offering to drive me over to Shrewsbury and talk with my father. As my uncle thought it would be wise in me to accept the offer, and as my father always maintained that he was one of the most sensible men in the world, he at once consented in the kindest manner.
(4) 乾 1993
アンナ・スプロウル=著 乾侑美子(いぬい・ゆみこ)=訳
『ダーウィン 伝記 世界を変えた人々13』
世界観を変えた博物学者 偕成社 1993-06
原書: Charles Darwin: The Story of How Darwin's Theory of Evolution Challenged
the Religious Views of Our World (The scientists who have changed the world)
by Anna Sproule, Exley Publications Ltd. 1990
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