Bryson, Bill

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson ビル・ブライソン 『ビル・ブライソンのイギリス見て歩き』

■本の表紙とオーディオブックのジャケット Book and Audiobook covers

a. Htbookcoverimage b. Bryson_bbc c. 9780380727506_0608400

↑ Click to enlarge ↑

a. ビル・ブライソンのイギリス見て歩き 中央公論社 (1998)
b. Notes from a Small Island (Radio Collection) BBC Audiobooks (2002)
c. Notes from a Small Island Avon Books (1997)

■日本語訳 Translation into Japanese



   ビル・ブライソン=著 古川修(ふるかわ・しゅう)=訳
   『ビル・ブライソンのイギリス見て歩き』 中央公論社 1998/09 所収

■英語原文 The original text in English

[Omission] I don't know how you you strike up conversations with strangers in Britain. In America, of course, it's easy. You just offer a hand and say, "My name's Bryson. How much money did you make last year?" and the conversation never looks back from there.

But in England--or in this instance Wales--it's so hard, or at least it is for me. I've never had a train conversation that wasn't disastrous or at least regretted. [Omission] Over a long period of time it gradually dawned on me that the sort of person who will talk to you on a train is almost by definition the sort of person you don't want to talk to on a train, so these days I mostly keep my myself and rely for conversational entertainment on books by more loquacious types like Jan Morris and Paul Theroux.

   Notes from a Small Island (1995) by Bill Bryson
   * Excerpt at Durant Imboden's Europe for Visitors
   * Audiobook excerpt can be heard at the Random House website.

■テレビ版 『ビル・ブライソンのイギリス見て歩き』
 Notes from a Small Island: A television adaptation

Uploaded by BMalaya on Nov 13, 2007

■テレビ版について On the TV adaptation


[TV] Bill Bryson: Notes from a Small Island (1999)
   * Information on this programme at IMDb.
   * Information on DVD at

■更新履歴 Change log

2011-12-01 Notes from a Small Island (1999) の YouTube 動画を追加しました。

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■洋書 Books in non-Japanese languages

■和書 Books in Japanese


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Friday, 16 March 2007

Fat Girls in Des Moines by Bill Bryson ビル・ブライソン「デモインの太った娘たち」(2)

Bill_bryson_americana Billbryson_4

         ↑ Click to enlarge ↑  
[Left] 'I dreamed I went to the office in my Maidenform bra'
 Image source: Bill Bryson | Americana Photo Gallery
[Right] William "Bill" McGuire Bryson, OBE (1951- )
 Image source: Des Moines Public Library
■日本語訳 Translation into Japanese


   ビル・ブライソン=著 市川恵里=訳「デモインの太った娘たち」
   河出書房新社 2000/06 所収
■英語原文 The original text in English

Iowa women are almost always sensationally overweight--you see them at Merle Hay Mall in Des Moines on Saturdays, clammy and meaty in their shorts and halter-tops, looking a little like elephants dressed in children's clothes, yelling at their kids, calling names like Dwayne and Shauna. Jack Kerouac, of all people, thought that Iowa women were the prettiest in the country, but I don't think he ever went to Merle Hay Mall on a Saturday. I will say this, however--and it's a strange, strange thing--the teenaged daughters of these fat women are always utterly delectable, as soft and gloriously rounded and naturally fresh-smelling as a basket of fruit. I don't know what it is that happens to them, but it must be awful to marry one of these nubile cuties knowing that there is a time bomb ticking away in her that at some unknown date will make her bloat out into something huge and grotesque, presumably all of a sudden and without much notice, like a self-inflating raft from which the stopper has been abruptly jerked.

   Fat Girls in Des Moines by Bill Bryson
   * First appeared in the Granta 23, Home, Spring 1988
   * The Best of Granta Travel, edited by Bill Buford
    Paperback: Penguin USA; Reissue ed. (1992/02)
   * The Lost Continent: Travels in Small Town America
    by Bill Bryson
    Paperback: Harper Collins; Reprint ed. (1990/09)
   Excerpt at:
   * The website of Olin Shivers, College of Computing,
    Georgia Institute of Technology
   * Sanity Starved
   * ValleyTalk Forums
■参考 References

   Bill Bryson(ノンフィクション翻訳クラブのウェブサイト)
↓ 以下の本・CD・DVDのタイトルはブラウザの画面を更新すると入れ替わります。 
↓ Renew the window to display alternate titles of books, CDs and DVDs.

■朗読 Audiobook CD

■洋書 Books in non-Japanese languages

■和書 Books in Japanese

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Saturday, 03 March 2007

Fat Girls in Des Moines by Bill Bryson ビル・ブライソン「デモインの太った娘たち」(1)

a. 4309203396_1 b. 014008604801

c. 0060920084 d. Des_moines_1955

        ↑ Click to enlarge ↑  
b. Granta 23, Home (Spring 1988)
 'Fat Girls in Des Moines' first appeared in this magazine.
c. The Lost Continent: Travels in Small Town America,
 Harper Collins, Reprint (1990)
d. Spectators at the Iowa State Fair cake display, Des Moines, 1955.
 Image source: Bill Bryson | Americana Photo Gallery
■日本語訳 Translation into Japanese


   ビル・ブライソン=著 市川恵里=訳「デモインの太った娘たち」
   河出書房新社 2000/06 所収
■英語原文 The original text in English

I come from Des Moines. Somebody had to. When you come from Des Moines you either accept the fact without question and settle down with a local girl named Bobbi and get a job at the Firestone factory and live there forever and ever, or you spend your adolescence moaning at length about what a dump it is and how you can't wait to get out, and then you settle down with a local girl named Bobbi and get a job at the Firestone factory and live there forever and ever.

   Fat Girls in Des Moines by Bill Bryson
   First appeared in Granta 23: Home (Spring 1988 Issue)
   Granta's website for details

   The Best of Granta Travel, edited by Bill Buford
   * Paperback: Penguin USA; Reprint ed. (1992/02)
   * Hardcover: Penguin Books / Granta (1991/12)
   * Hardcover: Penguin Books / Granta (1991/08)

   The Lost Continent: Travels in Small Town America
   by Bill Bryson
   * Paperback: Harper Collins; Reprint ed. (1990/09)
   * Hardcover: Secker & Warburg (1989/09)

   Excerpt at:
   * Bill Bryson website | Downloads
   * The Sydney Morning Herald (

■参考 References

   ノンフィクションのベストセラー作家 Bill Bryson
↓ 以下の本・CD・DVDのタイトルはブラウザの画面を更新すると入れ替わります。 
↓ Renew the window to display alternate titles of books, CDs and DVDs.

■朗読 Audiobook CD

■洋書 Books in non-Japanese languages
(1) The Best of Granta Travel

(2) Bill Bryson - The Lost Continent

■和書 Books in Japanese
(1) ビル・ブライソン

(2) 旅を書く—ベスト・トラベル・エッセイ

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Thursday, 01 February 2007

A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson ビル・ブライソン 『人類が知っていることすべての短い歴史』

Bill Bryson: Three of the most remarkable things I know

Uploaded by GreshamCollege on Oct 8, 2010

■表紙画像と著者の肖像写真 Cover photos and the author's portrait

zh Zh_simp_9787806797549 zh Zh_trad_9789864177752 ko Ko_9788972913641_a_short_history

ja Ja_4140811013 th Th_9789740420156_ashorthistory ru Ru_5818907895_

bg Bg_9546497932_ et Et_9789949442225_koiksuse lv Lv_9984374203

pl Pl_9788372988881__krotkahistoriapra bs Bs_8674363814_kratka_istorija_bezma fi Fi_9789510309728_lyhyt_historia_lah

se Se_9789172320000_bryson_everything da Da_9788702095319_enkorthistorieomna de De_3442460719eine_kurze_geschichte_

nl Nl_9045014742 it It_9788850215492_brysbrev96 pt Pt_9789722519205_breve_historia_de_

ca Ca_9788482648798 es Es_una_breve_historia__978847871380 fr Fr_9782228902182

en En_uk_64f4024128a0544c1f992010_2l en En_usa_0767908171 BB Billbryson_2

↑ Click the images to enlarge ↑

[zh] 万物简史 中国語版(簡体字)
[zh] 萬物簡史I 沒有盡頭的宇宙 中國語版(繁體字)
[ko] 거의 모든 것의 역사 韓国語版
[ja] 人類が知っていることすべての短い歴史 NHK出版 2006 日本語版
[th] ประวัติย่อของเกือบทุกสิ่ง จากจักรวาลถึงเซลล์ タイ語版
[ru] Краткая история почти всего на свете ロシア語版
[bg] Кратка история на почти всичко ブルガリア語版
[et] Kõiksuse lühiajalugu: Teekond Suurest Paugust Inimeseni エストニア語版
[lv] Īsi stāsti gandrīz par visu ラトヴィア語版
[pl] Krótka historia prawie wszystkiego ポーランド語版
[bs] Kratka istorija bezmalo svačega ボスニア語版
[fi] Lyhyt historia lähes kaikesta フィンランド語版
[se] En kortfattad historik över nästan allting スウェーデン語版
[da] En kort historie om næsten alt デンマーク語版
[de] Eine Kurze Geschichte Von Fast Allem ドイツ語版
[nl] Een kleine geschiedenis van bijna alles オランダ語版
[it] Breve storia di (quasi) tutto イタリア語版
[pt] Uma Breve História de Quase Tudo ポルトガル語版
[ca] Una breu història de gairebé tot カタルーニャ語版(カタロニア語版)
[es] Una breve historia de casi todo スペイン語版
[fr] Une histoire de tout, ou presque... フランス語版
[en] A Short History of Nearly Everything Black Swan, 2004 英国版
[en] A Short History of Nearly Everything Broadway Books, 2003 米国版
BB Bill Bryson (1951-  ), Image source: UWA Perth International Arts Festival

■日本語訳 Translation into Japanese


   ビル・ブライソン=著 楡井浩一(にれい・こういち)=訳

Audiobook - A Short History of Nearly Everything

下に引用する箇所の朗読は 2:06 あたりから始まります。 Published on Mar 21, 2011 by nimz1001. The excerpt below starts around 2:06.

■英語原文 The original text in English

Not only have you been lucky enough to be attached since time immemorial to a favored evolutionary line, but you have also been extremely -- make that miraculously -- fortunate in your personal ancestry. Consider the fact that for 3.8 billion years, a period of time older than the Earth's mountains and rivers and oceans, every one of your forebears on both sides has been attractive enough to find a mate, healthy enough to reproduce, and sufficiently blessed by fate and circumstances to live long enough to do so. Not one of your pertinent ancestors was squashed, devoured, drowned, starved, stranded, stuck fast, untimely wounded, or otherwise deflected from its life's quest of delivering a tiny charge of genetic material to the right partner at the right moment in order to perpetuate the only possible sequence of hereditary combinations that could result -- eventually, astoundingly, and all too briefly -- in you.

   A Short History of Nearly Everything (2003)
   by Bill Bryson
   Paperback: Reprint ed. (2004/09)
   Excerpt at

■更新履歴 Change log

2012/10/24 フランス語版の表紙画像を追加しました。
2012/10/21 ビル・ブライソンの講演と英語原書版オーディオブックの YouTube
2012/10/20 簡体字中国語版、繁體字中國語版、韓国語版、タイ語版、ロシア語版、

にほんブログ村 本ブログへにほんブログ村 英語ブログへにほんブログ村 外国語ブログへブログランキング・にほんブログ村へ
にほんブログ村 本ブログ 洋書へにほんブログ村 英語ブログ 通訳・翻訳へにほんブログ村 外国語ブログ マルチリンガルへ翻訳ブログ人気ランキング参加中

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↓ Refresh the window to display alternate titles of books, CDs and DVDs.

■洋書 Books in non-Japanese languages

■和書 Books in Japanese


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