Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson ビル・ブライソン 『ビル・ブライソンのイギリス見て歩き』
■本の表紙とオーディオブックのジャケット Book and Audiobook covers
a. ビル・ブライソンのイギリス見て歩き 中央公論社 (1998)
b. Notes from a Small Island (Radio Collection) BBC Audiobooks (2002)
c. Notes from a Small Island Avon Books (1997)
■日本語訳 Translation into Japanese
ビル・ブライソン=著 古川修(ふるかわ・しゅう)=訳
『ビル・ブライソンのイギリス見て歩き』 中央公論社 1998/09 所収
■英語原文 The original text in English
[Omission] I don't know how you you strike up conversations with strangers in Britain. In America, of course, it's easy. You just offer a hand and say, "My name's Bryson. How much money did you make last year?" and the conversation never looks back from there.
But in England--or in this instance Wales--it's so hard, or at least it is for me. I've never had a train conversation that wasn't disastrous or at least regretted. [Omission] Over a long period of time it gradually dawned on me that the sort of person who will talk to you on a train is almost by definition the sort of person you don't want to talk to on a train, so these days I mostly keep my myself and rely for conversational entertainment on books by more loquacious types like Jan Morris and Paul Theroux.
Notes from a Small Island (1995) by Bill Bryson
* Excerpt at Durant Imboden's Europe for Visitors
* Audiobook excerpt can be heard at the Random House website.
■テレビ版 『ビル・ブライソンのイギリス見て歩き』
Notes from a Small Island: A television adaptation
Uploaded by BMalaya on Nov 13, 2007
■テレビ版について On the TV adaptation
[TV] Bill Bryson: Notes from a Small Island (1999)
* Information on this programme at IMDb.
* Information on DVD at
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