Quand j'étais un, Je venais juste de commencer. Quand j'étais deux, J'étais presque nouveau. Quand j'avais trois ans J'étais à peine moi. Quand j'avais quatre ans, Je n'étais pas beaucoup plus. Quand j'avais cinq ans, J'étais juste en vie. Mais maintenant je suis Six, Je suis aussi intelligent que malin, Donc je pense que je serai six maintenant pour toujours et à jamais.
When I was one, I had just begun. When I was two, I was nearly new. When I was three, I was hardly me. When I was four, I was not much more. When I was five, I was just alive. But now I am six, I'm as clever as clever. So I think I'll be six now for ever and ever.
„Es ist mir völlig gleich, wie grau und trocken es in Kansas ist. Kansas ist meine Heimat, dort leben die Menschen, die ich liebe. Es kann anderswo so schön sein, wie es will - am besten ist es doch zu Hause.“
Por más triste y gris que sea nuestro hogar, la gente de
carne y hueso prefiere vivir en él y no en otro sitio, aunque ese
otro sitio sea muy hermoso. No hay nada como el hogar.
Capítulo 4. El camino del bosque. El Maravilloso Mago de Oz
Peu importe si, chez nous, c’est gris et lugubre, nous qui sommes faits de chair et de sang préférons ce séjour à toute autre contrée, fût-elle la plus belle. Il n’y a rien de tel que son pays.
"No matter how dreary and gray our homes are, we people of flesh and
blood would rather live there than in any other country, be it ever so
beautiful. There is no place like home."
Chapter 4: The Road Through the Forest. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
L. Frank Baum Ultimate Collection. Preview on Google Books
脚本: ウィリアム・ジョイス、監督: ウィリアム・ジョイス、ブランドン・オールデンバーグ。 Uploaded to YouTube by Alex Crol on 25 Aug 2013. Written by William Joyce. Directed by William Joyce and Brandon Oldenburg.
Gallery 1
絵本版の表紙画像 Cover photos of the picture book editions
監督: チャールズ・ライスナー、バスター・キートン、主演: バスター・キートン。アニメ『モリス・レスモアとふしぎな空とぶ本』は、主人公の造形も含め、このサイレント映画の古典から着想を得ている。 Uploaded to YouTube by moebags on 29 Oct 2012. Directors: Charles Reisner, Buster Keaton. Starring Buster Keaton.
監督: ヴィクター・フレミング、主演: ジュディ・ガーランド。『モリス・レスモアとふしぎな空とぶ本』は、この名作からもインスパイアされている。 Uploaded to YouTube by IHEARTTHEWIZARDOFOZ on 27 Jun 2010. Directed by Victor Fleming. Starring Judy Garland.
『モリス・レスモアとふしぎな空とぶ本』は、さらにルイジアナ州で現実に起きた、この大災害からも制作のきっかけを与えられた。ウィリアム・ジョイスは家族と同州シュリーブポートに住み、この街にアニメ・スタジオを設立し、ハリケーン被災者を救済する活動にも関わっている。『モリス・レスモア』の制作はすべてルイジアナ州内で行なわれた。 Uploaded to YouTube by britishpathe on 1 Aug 2011.
Image Gallery 2
「イエラ・マリ: レンズを通して見た世界」 2010年3月23日—4月10日 サラ・ボルサ図書館(ボローニャ)。ボローニャ国際児童図書展にあわせて開催されたマリの原画展 Iela Mari. Il mondo attraverso una lente (Iela Mari: The World Through a Lens), Hamelin Associazione Culturale, 23 marzo - 10 aprile, 2010, Biblioteca SalaBorsa, Bologna
■はじめに Introduction
■日本語訳 Translations into Japanese
(J1) 菅原 2017
(J2) 橘川 2011
(J3) 安藤 2002
(J4) 高木 1992
(J5) 吉田 1990
(J6) 木島 1988
(J7) 大原 1958
(J8) 入江 1940
(J9) 水谷 1924, 1991, etc.
■ロシア語訳 Translations into Russian
(Ru1) Меллоу (Mellow)
■スペイン語訳 Translation into Spanish
■英語原詩 The original poem in English
■外部リンク External links
■更新履歴 Change log
■はじめに Introduction
What are heavy? は19世紀イギリスの詩人クリスティーナ・ロセッティが書いた詩。1872年に出版された「シング・ソング」という童謡集に収録されている。たった4行の短い詩で、内容に難解なところは何ひとつない。けれども、韻を踏んだ原文の味わいを他の言語に移し替えようとすると、なかなか容易ではない。
¿Qué es pesado? Arena de mar y tristeza;
¿Qué es breve? Hoy y mañana;
¿Qué es frágil? Flores de primavera y juventud;
¿Qué es profundo? El océano y la verdad.
Image 初期の版からの複写画像 Scanned image from an early edition
Image source: Open Library based on Sing-song: A Nursery Rhyme Book by Christina G. Rossetti, illustrated by Arhthur Hughes, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Macmillan and Co., 1893.
■英語原詩 The original poem in English
What are heavy? sea-sand and sorrow:
What are brief? to-day and to-morrow:
What are frail? Spring blossoms and youth:
What are deep? the ocean and truth.
What are heavy? by Christina Rossetti
This poem appeared in various books including the following:
Sing-song: A Nursery Rhyme Book Illustrated by Arthur Hughes. London: George Routledge and Sons, First edition, 1872. A free Google eBook based on this edition is here.
Image source: 오픈키드 (Open Kid) Hiroshima seen from a height of 580 meters, on the morning of August 6, 1994
1994年(平成6年)朝/広島市上空 580 m
[en] English
It's August 6 again. A blue sky announces the beginning of another hot summer day in Hiroshima. A constant hum of cicadas comes from the trees in Peace Memorial Park, just as it did on the fateful morning long ago.
Image source: Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
East of Shin-Ohashi Bridge (the present West Peace Bridge). 1945.
[en] English
From the autumn of 1944 onwards, buildings were destroyed or relocated to create a wide firebreak stretching from east to west in the center of the city, even though Hiroshima had hardly suffered any bombings since the beginning of the war. In fact a rumor passed among the people of Hiroshima that their city would be alright.
[en] English
At 8:14 minutes and 30 seconds the bombardier on the Enola Gay sighted their target, the Aioi Bridge, and 30 seconds later when the bridge was at the center of his bombsight, he pressed the automatic control button, which released the bomb 15 seconds later.
At 8:15'17 little Boy
left the aircraft
and fell towards
its target.
43 seconds later, just before 8:16 A.M., it exploded 580 meters above Shima Hospital, in Saiku-machi, now known as Otemachi. This was 280 meters astray of the actual target.
Image source: ホンマカ!改
Shukkei Park and Kyobashi River 1.2 kilometers from the hypocenter. Midday, 4 hours after the explosion. August 6.
[en] English
The fires were most intense between eleven o'clock that morning and three in the afternoon. Hounded by their flames, people ran in search of a safe reggae but found none. Flames even licked the surface of the river.
Image source: Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
The Second Quarantine Office on Ninoshima Island (the present Hiroshima Peace Memorial Old People's Home)
8 kilometers from the hypocenter. Evening, August 6. 8月6日午後/似島(にのしま)の第二検疫所(けんえきしょ) (広島平和養老館(ようろうかん)付近)
[en] English
Rescue operations began less than one hour after the explosion. A military shipping unit and other troops who had suffered only minor injuries began treating the victims and removing the critically injured. As many as possible were taken to the suburbs and to islands in Hiroshima Bay.
Image source: 오픈키드 (Open Kid) Koi National School (the present Koi Elementary School). August 9.
[en] English
First aid centers throughout the city overflowed with injured people. The bodies of those who died were taken to a makeshift crematorium where they were cremated and then buried. Their places were immediately taken by new patients injured by the explosion. Three days later, many hovered between life and death in Hiroshima, while the second A-bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, creating thousands of new victims.
■世界人口推計 1800-2100年 World population estimates from 1800 to 2100
世界人口 1800-2100年 黒線は推定値、青線は統計値、赤・橙・緑線は国連の推計値(それぞれ高位・中位・低位)
World population estimates from 1800 to 2100, based on "high", "medium" and "low" United Nations projections in 2010 (red, orange, green) and US Census Bureau historical estimates (black). Actual recorded population figures are in blue. According to the highest estimate, the world population may rise to 16 billion by 2100; according to the lowest estimate, it may decline to 6 billion. Source: World population - Wikipedia
[en] Then come its arms. When the baby is completely born, the doctor cuts the umbilical cord which has carried food to the baby all this time, for it is no longer needed.
Having eyes, but not seeing beauty; having ears, but not hearing music; having minds, but not perceiving truth; having hearts that are never moved and therefore never set on fire. These are the things to fear, said the headmaster.
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