Churchill's Black Dog by Anthony Storr アンソニー・ストー 「チャーチルの黒犬」
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- 邱吉爾的黒狗:憂鬱症與人類心靈的其他現象 Anthony Storr/著 立緒出版 2005年11月03日初版 A translation into traditional Chinese
- 天才はいかにうつをてなずけたか 求龍堂 2007
- Churchill's Black Dog, Kafka's Mice, and Other Phenomena of the Human Mind. Paperback: Ballantine Books; Reprint ed. (1990)
- Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874-1965) as a young man. Image source:
- Living with a Black Dog: His Name Is Depression. Paperback: Andrews Mcmeel Pub, 2006
- Anthony Storr (1920-2001), Photograph by Mark Gerson. Image source: Goodreads
■日本語訳 Translation into Japanese
- アンソニー・ストー=著 今井幹晴(いまい・みきはる)=訳 「第一章 チャーチルの黒犬 うつ病の理解にむけて」 『天才はいかにうつをてなずけたか』 求龍堂 2007/03
■英語原文 The original text in English
Winston Churchill, like his ancestor the first Duke of Marlborough, suffered from prolonged and recurrent fits of depression; and no understanding of his character is possible unless this central fact is taken into account. His own name for depression was 'Black Dog': and the fact that he had a nickname for it argues that it was all too familiar a companion.
- Churchill: The Man
from Churchill's Black Dog, Kafka's Mice, and Other Phenomena of the Human Mind (the shortened title is: Churchill's Black Dog and Other Phenomena of the Human Mind) by Anthony Storr - Printed books
- Excerpt at The Paragraph of the Day by Paul Strauss
- Quoted in Mental Health Association in Hendricks County
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