■はじめに Introduction
■日本語訳の抜粋 Excerpts from translations into Japanese
(J1) 森松 1995
(J2) 山宮 1956
(J3) 日高 1946 (J4) 吉原 1930
■英語原詩の全文 The complete original poem in English Video トマス・ハーディのウェセックス Thomas Hardy's Wessex
■外部リンク External links
■更新履歴 Change log
■はじめに Introduction Video 1 映画 トリシュナ (2011) 予告編 Film Trishna (2011) Trailer Video 2 テレビ テス (2008) TV Tess of the d'Urbervilles (2008) Video 3 テレビ テス (1998) TV Tess of the d'Urbervilles (1998) Video 4 映画 テス (1979) 予告編・CM Film Tess (1979) Trailer & CM
■中国語訳(簡体字) Translation into simplified Chinese
■中國語譯(繁體字) Translations into traditional Chinese
(Zh2) 李曉君 2009
■日本語訳 Translations into Japanese
(J1) 柴田 2013
(J2) 高桑 2011
(J3) 田中 2005
(J4) 小林 1989
(J5) 井出 1980, 1990, etc.
(J6) 阿部 1969
(J7) 中村 1969, 1971
(J8) 大沢 1961, 1969, etc.
(J9) 井上+石田 1960
(J10) 山内 1957
(J11) 石川 1955, 1961, etc.
(J12) 竹内 1951, 1962
(J13) 長澤 1933
(J14) 広津 1930, 1939
(J15) 宮島 1929, 1933
(J16) 平田 1925, 1926
(J17) 山田 1912 Image gallery DVDのジャケットと本の表紙 DVD and book covers
■トルコ語訳 Translation into Turkish
■ハンガリー語訳 Translation into Hungarian
■ロシア語訳 Translation into Russian
■ブルガリア語訳 Translation into Bulgarian
■ポーランド語訳 Translation into Polish
■ドイツ語訳 Translation into German
■イタリア語訳 Translation into Italian
■スペイン語訳 Translation into Spanish
■フランス語訳 Translation into French Videobook 英語原文の朗読 Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Audiobook
■英語原文 The original text in English
■邦題の異同 Variation of the title in Japanese
■外部リンク External links
■更新履歴 Change log
Tess d'Urberville LGF - Livre de Poche (1974), a translation into French.
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a. b.
c. d.
■トルコ語訳 Translation into Turkish
Mayıs ayının ikinci yarısında bir akşam üstü, orta yaşlı bir adam Shaston'dan Blakemore yahut Blackmoor ovasının eteğinde bulunan Marlott köyündeki evine doğru gidiyordu.
Tess by Thomas Hardy
Translated by Özay Süsoy
Altın Kitaplar, 1982
Excerpt at Simurg
■ハンガリー語訳 Translation into Hungarian
Május vége táján, estefelé, egy középkorú férfi igyekezett hazaShastonból Marlott faluba, a szomszédos Blakemore- vagy Blackmoor-völgybe.
Egy tiszta nő by Thomas Hardy
Translated by Szabó Lőrinc
Ulpius-Ház Könyvkiadó KFT, 2007
E-text at Scribd
■ロシア語訳 Translation into Russian
Однажды вечером во второй половине мая человек средних лет шел домой из Шестона в деревню Марлот, находившуюся неподалеку, в долине Блекмор, или Блекмур.
Томас Гарди. Тэсс из рода д'Эрбервиллей
E-text at Lib.Ru
■ブルガリア語訳 Translation into Bulgarian
Една вечер през втората половина на май един човек на средна възраст се прибираше от Шестън в село Марлот в близката долина Блейкмор или Блекмур.
Томас Харди. Тес от рода Д’Ърбървил
Translated by Веселин Измирлиев, Л. Велинов, 1980
E-text at Моята библиотека
■ポーランド語訳 Translation into Polish
Pod koniec maja wieczorem pewien człowiek w średnim wieku wracał piechotą z Shaston do domu, do wsi Marlott położonej w sąsiedniej dolinie zwanej Blakemore lub Blackmoor.
Tessa d'Urberville by Thomas Hardy
Translated by Róża Czekańska-Heymanowa
E-text at:
Eines Abends in den letzten Tagen des Mai wanderte ein Mann mittleren Alters heimwärts von Shaston nach dem Dörfchen Marlott im benachbarten Tale von Blakemore oder Blackmoor.
Cierto anochecer de fines de mayo, un hombre de edad mediana que venía de Shaston caminaba con rumbo a su casa situada en el pueblo de Marlott, en el vecino valle de Blakcmore o Blackmoor.
Un soir de la fin de mai, un homme d'un certain âge s'en retournait à pied, de Shaston au village de Marlott, dans le val voisin de Blackmoor.
Tess d'Urberville by Thomas Hardy
Excerpt at Pipl Directory
英語原文の朗読 Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Phase 1, The Maiden: Chapter 1.
Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of LibriVox. Read by Adrian Praetzellis.
■英語原文 The original text in English
On an evening in the latter part of May a middle-aged man was walking homeward from Shaston to the village of Marlott, in the adjoining Vale of Blakemore, or Blackmoor.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles (1891) by Thmas Hardy
E-text at:
Images 表紙画像と肖像写真 Cover photos and a portrait
■中国語訳 Translation into Chinese
■日本語訳 Translations into Japanese
(1) 平戸 2003
(2) 渡 2002
(3) 井出 2000
(4) 藤井 1991
(5) 小林 1984, 1986, etc.
(6) 秋山 1976
(7) 下嶋 1973, 1987
(8) 河野 1957, 1967, etc.
(9) 田代 1950, 1951, etc.
(10) 森村 1932
(11) 宮嶋 1932
(12) 平田 1915, 1925
■スペイン語訳 Translation into Spanish
■英語原文 The original text in English
■邦題の異同 Variations of the title translated into Japanese
■更新履歴 Change log
Thomas Hardy 著 宮嶋新三郎=譯註
『妻ゆゑに其他』 英米近代文學叢書 第1輯第5巻
To Please His Wife and Other Stories
Modern English and American Literature Series
Sabes una cosa, Emily? Cuando un hombre vuelve a tierra tras un largo viaje por mar está completamente ciego: es incapaz de aber qué mujer le interesa. Todas le parecen iguales, hermosas criaturas, y acepta con facilidad a la primera que se presenta, sin pensar si ella lo ama o si él puede amar más a otra al poco tiempo. Desde el principio me sentí más inclinado por ti, pero eras tan tímida y retraída que imaginé que no querías que te molestara, así que me decanté por Joanna.
Para contentar a su mujer
in Cuentos completos by Thomas Hardy
Translated by Catalina Martínez Muñoz
Alba Editorial, 2013/03
Preview at Google Books
■英語原文 The original text in English
'[Omission] You know, Emily, when a man comes home from sea after a long voyage he's as blind as a bat—he can't see who's who in women. They are all alike to him, beautiful creatures, and he takes the first that comes easy, without thinking if she loves him, or if he might not soon love another better than her. From the first I inclined to you most, but you were so backward and shy that I thought you didn't want me to bother 'ee, and so I went to Joanna.'
To Please His Wife
from Life's Little Ironies (1894) by Thomas Hardy
E-text at:
旧タイトル: To Please His Wife by Thomas Hardy
トマス・ハーディ 「妻ゆえに」「帰らぬひと」「帰らぬ船」
新タイトル: To Please His Wife by Thomas Hardy
トマス・ハーディ 「妻ゆえに」「妻ゆゑに」「妻のために」
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