A Passional Karma, The Dream of a Summer Day, etc.
■英語原文 The original text in English
The two women remained that night in the house of the young samurai, and returned to their own home a little before daybreak. And after that night they came every night for seven nights,-- whether the weather were foul or fair,--always at the same hour. And Shinzaburo became more and more attached to the girl (....).
Now there was a man called Tomozo, who lived in a small cottage adjoining Shinzaburo's residence (....). One night, at a very late hour, Tomozo heard the voice of a woman in his master's apartment; and this made him uneasy. He feared that Shinzaburo, being very gentle and affectionate, might be made the dupe of some cunning wanton (....). He therefore resolved to watch; (....) And at last he was able to see;--but therewith an icy trembling seized him; and the hair of his head stood up.
For the face was the face of a woman long dead,--and the fingers caressing were fingers of naked bone,--and of the body below the waist there was not anything: it melted off into thinnest trailing shadow. Where the eyes of the lover deluded saw youth and grace and beauty, there appeared to the eyes of the watcher horror only, and the emptiness of death. (....)
A Passional Karma from In Ghostly Japan, by Lafcadio Hearn
E-text at:
But, when the hush of the night was at its deepest, there noiselessly entered a Shape, vague and vast; and in the same moment Muso found himself without power to move or speak. He saw that Shape lift the corpse, as with hands, and devour it, more quickly than a cat devours a rat,--beginning at the head, and eating everything: the hair and the bones and even the shroud. And the monstrous Thing, having thus consumed the body, turned to the offerings, and ate them also. Then it went away, as mysteriously as it had come.
a. 小泉八雲=著
『十六桜—小泉八雲怪談集』 研文社 1990/09 所収 b. 小泉八雲=著
『小泉八雲選集 第2篇』 嶺光社+開隆堂=相版 1927/01(昭和2)所収
(J14) 大谷 1926, 1931, etc.
小泉八雲=著 大谷正信(おおたに・まさのぶ)=譯 「お貞のはなし」 a. 古谷綱武(ふるや・つなたけ)=編 『小泉八雲集(上)』
新潮文庫(旧版)1950/07 所収 b. 『小泉八雲全集第八卷 家庭版』 第一書房 1937/01(昭和12)所収 c. 田部隆次=編 『小泉八雲全集第七卷 學生版』 第一書房
1931/01(昭和6)第二囘豫約刊行 d. 田部隆次=編 『小泉八雲全集第七卷』 第一書房 1926/07(大正15)
英語原文のオーディオブック 朗読: ナディーン・エッカート・ブレ Audiobook in English read by Nadine Eckert-Boulet
下の引用箇所の朗読は 2:08 から始まります。 Uploaded to YouTube by Story Time on 25 Apr 2015. Audio courtesy of LibriVox. Reading of the excerpt below starts at 2:08.
■英語原文 The original text in English
"Nay, nay!" she responded softly, "I meant not the Pure Land. I believe that we are destined to meet again in this world,--although I shall be buried to-morrow."
"Yes, I mean in this world,--in your own present life, Nagao-Sama.... Providing, indeed, that you wish it. Only, for this thing to happen, I must again be born a girl, and grow up to womanhood. So you would have to wait. Fifteen--sixteen years: that is a long time. . . . But, my promised husband, you are now only nineteen years old." . . .
The Story of O-Tei
from Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things by Lafcadio Hearn
March 25, 1904
a. の「編集後記」および、そこに引用されている b. 序文によって、b. の成立事情がわかります。それらによると、b. 所収の12篇のほとんどすべては、すでに1919, 1920(大正8, 9)年ごろ、大道義塾の機関誌「帝國民」に、あるものは刈谷氏、あるものは萩原氏の名前で発表されていたそうです。しかし、その実態は12篇すべてが両氏の共訳だったとのこと。b. 刊行にあたっては、両氏が共同で全篇をことごとく改稿された由。
英語原書のアニメ化作品 Animated adaptation of the original text in English
下の引用箇所の朗読は 2:39 から始まります。 Uploaded to YouTube by Machinima on 2 Nov 2007. Audio courtesy of LibriVox. Reading of the excerpt below starts at 2:39.
■英語原文 The original text in English
"I intended to treat you like the other man. But I cannot help feeling some pity for you, -- because you are so young... You are a pretty boy, Minokichi; and I will not hurt you now. But, if you ever tell anybody -- even your own mother -- about what you have seen this night, I shall know it; and then I will kill you... Remember what I say!"
from Kwaidan, Stories and Studies of Strange Things by Lafcadio Hearn. March 25, 1904
a.『怪談』(1964) 監督:小林正樹 出演:三國連太郎、岸恵子 ほか
Image source: Japan-101.com
b. Lafcadio Hearn's Creole Cookbook, supposedly the first Creole
cookbook ever written. Image source: The Book Merchant
c. Lafcadio Hearn at the age of 40 in Matsue City.
Image source: Metropolis Tokyo
d. Page 1 of "A Dead Secret" (「葬られた秘密」), a six page story
that was done as a sample of the larger manga book: Lafcadio Hearn's Japanese Ghost Stories, written by Sean Michael Wilson
and illustrated by Haruka Miyabi (out in spring 2007 from a new US
publishing house Demented Dragon).
e.『ラフカディオ・ハーンのクレオール料理読本』TBSブリタニカ (1998).
上掲 b. の邦訳。
f. 平川祐弘=著『ラフカディオ・ハーン—植民地化・キリスト教化・文明開化』
ミネルヴァ書房 (2004)
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