The Momijiyama Bunko edition of Tsurezuregusa
The Momijiyama Bunko edition of "Tsurezuregusa," an example of the magnificently bound and printed books of the early Edo-period (1603-1867) known as Sagabon. Built in the Edo Castle 1602, the Momijiyama Bunko was originally the library of the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. Image source: The National Archives of Japan website
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■イタリア語訳 Translation into Italian
(....) Tuttavia bene non indulgere ai piaceri dei sensi e non essere considerato dalle donne come una facile conquista.
(E1) Keene, 1967, 1998
#3 (....) But it is best that a man not be given over completely to fleshy pleasures, and that women not consider him an easy conquest.
* Essays in Idleness: The Tsurezuregusa of Kenko,
Translated and with a new preface by Donald Keene
Columbia University Press, 1998
* Essays in Idleness translated by Donald Keene
Columbia University Press, 1967
(E2) Porter, 1914, 1973
On a Man's Relations with Women - Section 3.
(....) But still, be not too gay. To be thought by women rather a difficult man to get on with is the best.
The Miscellany of a Japanese Priest:
being a translation of Tsure-zure Gusa
translated by William N. Porter,
with an introduction by Sanki Ichikawa.
* Paperback by Tuttle Publishing, 1973/12
* First edition by Humphrey Milford, London, 1914(大正3)
Scanned whole book can be viewed here.
[79] bene mostrare di non essere aggiornati su ogni argomento. Una persona saggia, pur conoscendo bene le cose, non fa sfoggio della propria cultura. Al contrario, un uomo poco istruito e proveniente da un paese di provincia, risponde ad ogni domanda, dando l'impressione di sapere tutto. (....)
(E1) Keene, 1967, 1998
#79 A man should avoid displaying deep familiarity with any subject. Can one imagine a well-bred man talking with the air of a know-it-all, even about a matter with which he is in fact familiar? The boor who pops up on the scene from somewhere in the hinterland answers questions with an air of utter authority in every field. (....)
(E2) Porter, 1914, 1973
Section 79. In anything whatsovever it is best not to be too forward. Does a wise man proudly tell all that he knows? A man from the country, on the contrary, is ever ready and willing to answer any question as if he knew all about everything. (....)
Source: The Miscellany of a Japanese Priest: being a translation of Tsure-zure Gusa, translated by William N. Porter, with an introduction by Sanki Ichikawa.
Video 1 「徒然草を現代語訳してみる」を朗読してみた(ボヤキ系)その①
■ロシア語訳 Translations into Russian
■フィンランド語訳 Translation into Finnish
■スウェーデン語訳 Translation into Swedish
■ドイツ語訳 Translation into German
■イタリア語訳 Translation into Italian
■英訳 Translations into English
(E1) Keene, 1967, 1998
(E2) Kurata, 1948, 1959
(E3) Porter, 1914, 1973
(E4) Wakameda, 1914, 1918, etc.
(E5) Sansom, 1911, 1955, etc. Image gallery さまざまな言語の版 Editions in various languages
■インドネシア語訳 Translation into Indonesian
■中国語訳(簡体字)Translation into simplified Chinese
■中國語譯(繁體字)Translation into traditional Chinese
■現代日本語訳 Translations into contemporary Japanese
(J1) 酒井 2011
(J2) 島内 2010
(J3) 青山+甲斐+邑上 2009
(J4) 松村 2009, 2010
(J5) 加藤(監修) 弦川(文) 2008
(J6) 大伴 2007
(J7) 吾妻 2004
(J8) 角川書店 2002
(J9) 浜野 2001
(J10) 嵐山 1992
(J11) 橋本 1990, 1993, etc.
(J12) 長谷川=監修 柳川=シナリオ 1990, 1998
(J13) 杉本 1987, 1996
(J14) 永井 1987, 1996
(J15) 山崎 1980
(J16) 三木 1979
(J17) 島尾 1976, 2006
(J18) 冨倉+貴志 1975
(J19) 永積 1971
(J20) 安良岡 1967
(J21) 臼井 1962
(J22) 今泉 1951, 1957
(J23) 与謝野 1916, 2005
(J24) 飯田 1916
■日本語原文 The original text in 14th century Japanese
(1) ローマ字表記 In romanization
(2) 漢字仮名表記 In kanji and kana Video 2 徒然草 - 出演: 野村萬斎
Tsurezuregusa performed by Mansai Nomura
■更新履歴 Change log
Когда весь день праздно сидишь против тушечницы и для чего-то записываешь всякую всячину, что приходит на ум, бывает, такое напишешь – с ума можно сойти.
Насытившись однообразья чередой, на закате дня берусь за кисть, и, как душа прикажет, кладу на бумагу то, что на ум придет - и тут же вылетает вон, и так странно выходит - голова кругом идет.
Ёсида Канэёси - Записки на досуге
Translated by Александра Мещерякова
Excerpts at Окно в Японию
■フィンランド語訳 Translation into Finnish
Tuntuu kuin jokin merkillinen hulluus minua vaivaisi: istun päiväkausia joutilaana mustekiveni ääressä ja vailla vasituista aikomusta kirjoittelen muistiin mielessäni ajelehtivia joutavia mietteitä.
Vilken egendomlig, vansinnig känsla det ger mig, när jag inser att jag har tillbringat hela dagar framför denna rivsten, med inget bättre för mig, än att på måfå fästa ned vad orimliga tankar som råkar ha flyttat in i mitt sinne.
Wenn ich allein bin und gerade nichts zu tun habe, sitze ich den ganzen Tag meinem Tuschkasten gegenüber und schreibe alles Unbedeutende, das sich in mir widerspiegelt, nieder, ohne einen bestimmten Zweck damit zu verfolgen. Seltsamerweise sind es recht wunderliche Dinge.
Non avendo altro da fare, provo una strana e frenetica sensazione nel passare tutto il giorno davanti al calamaio, scrivendo a caso i pensieri assurdi che mi vengono in mente.
(E1) Keene, 1967, 1998
What a strange, demented feeling it gives me when I realize I have spent whole days before this inkstone, with nothing better to do, jotting down at random whatever nonsensical thoughts that have entered my head.
(E2) Kurata, 1948, 1959
My life is not one of occupation, it is a life of leisure. Every day is like the day that went before. My ink-dish lies before me. My heart is like a mirror−all that world is reflected in it. I write as I see, and it may seem strange and mad enough, for I think of strangely mingled things.
(E3) Porter, 1914, 1973
Leisurely I face my inkstone all day long, and without any particular object jot down the odds and ends that pass through my mind, with a curious feeling that I am not sane.
The Miscellany of a Japanese Priest:
being a translation of Tsure-zure Gusa
translated by William N. Porter,
with an introduction by Sanki Ichikawa.
* Paperback by Tuttle Publishing, 1973/12
* First edition by Humphrey Milford, London, 1914(大正3)
Scanned whole book can be viewed here.
(E4) Wakameda (若目田), 1914, 1918, etc.
As I remain idle and weary, I sit all day long face to face with the ink-slab, and scribble down whatever comes across my mind. It seems strange and demented.
The Idle Thoughts of a Recluse. Translated by Takeji Wakameda
若目田武次=譯 『英譯 徒然草』
* Hokodo & Shinseido 1921/09/15(大正10)
邦光堂書店+眞誠堂書店=發行 1921/09/15(大正10)
* 郁文堂刊 "J. Wakameda 訳" 全1冊 1918/08/28(大正7)
この郁文堂版は東洋文庫所蔵。目録は ここ
* Published by Taiheikan, Tokyo, 1914(大正3)
mentioned in the National Diet Library website
(E5) Sansom, 1911, 1955, etc.
To while away the idle hours, seated the livelong day before the inkslab, by jotting down without order or purpose whatever trifling thoughts pass through my mind, verily this is a queer and crazy thing to do!
The Tsuredzure Gusa of Yoshida no Kaneyoshi
translated by George Sansom.
Asiatic Society of Japan Transactions 39, 1911(明治44)
Sungguh suatu perasaan asing dan gila kurasakan ketika kusadari bahwa aku telah menghabiskan seharian penuh di depan batu- tinta ini, dengan tiada satupun yang bisa kukerjakan selain mengisi waktu, mencatat secara acak pikiran tak masuk akal apapun yang memasuki kepalaku.
Dari Esai-Esai Iseng Kenkô by Kenkô
in Pagi Di Amerika by Hikmat Darmawan
Publisher: Penerbit Serambi
Preview at Google Books
Tsurezurenaru mama ni, hikurashi, suzuri ni mukaite, kokoro ni utsuriyuku yoshinashigoto o, sokowakatonaku kakitsukureba, ayashu koso monoguruoshikere.
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