The Venetian Empire: A Sea Voyage by Jan Morris ジャン・モリス 『ヴェネツィア帝国への旅』
■はじめに Introduction
■表紙画像 Cover photos
■言語と書誌情報 Linguistic and bibliographic information
[ja] 日本語
タイトル: ヴェネツィア帝国への旅 (講談社学術文庫)
著者: ジャン・モリス (著者) 椋田直子 (訳者)
出版社: 講談社
出版年: 2011-11-11
ISBN-10 : 4062920794
ISBN-13 : 9784062920797
[ja] 日本語
タイトル: ヴェネツィア帝国への旅
著者: ジャン・モリス (著者) 椋田直子 (訳者)
出版社: 東京書籍
出版年: 2001-08-01
ISBN-10 : 4487795834
ISBN-13 : 9784487795833
[en] 英語 (再販)
タイトル: The Venetian Empire: A Sea Voyage
著者: Jan Morris
出版社: Penguin (Non-Classics); Reprint
出版年: 1990-01-04
ISBN-10 : 0140119949
ISBN-13 : 978-0140119947
More info from the publisher
[en] 英語 (初版)
タイトル: The Venetian Empire: A Sea Voyage (A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book)
著者: Jan Morris (author), Tim Mercer (Photographer)
出版社: Rainbird Publishing Group Limited; An illustrated edition, 1st edition
出版年: 1980-10-01
ISBN-10 : 0151935041
ISBN-13 : 9780151935048
Information on the now defunct publisher
■日本語訳 Translation into Japanese
ジャン・モリス=著 椋田直子(むくだ・なおこ)=訳
a. 『ヴェネツィア帝国への旅』 講談社学術文庫 2011-11-11
b. 『ヴェネツィア帝国への旅』 東京書籍 2001-08-01
引用は b. に拠りました。
■英語原文 The original text in English
The Venetians were never without overseas possessions, from the time my story starts at the end of the twelfth century until the fall of the Venetian Republic at the end of the eighteenth century. Rome apart, theirs was the first and the longest-lived of the European overseas empires. Their imperialism, though, was piecemeal and opportunist. They had first become rich by collecting the products of the east, shipping them home to Venice, and dispatching them through Europe: their empire was contrived to protect and develop this activity, and was accordingly pragmatic to a fault. It adapted all too easily to circumstances. The Venetians were exporting no ideology to the world. They were not hoping to found lesser states in their own image. They had no missionary zeal. They were not great builders, like the Romans. They were not fanatics, like the Spaniards.
They were above all money-people - every Venetian, wrote Pope Pius II in the fifteenth century, was a slave to 'the sordid occupations of trade'.
The Venetian Empire: A Sea Voyage by Jan Morris
Penguin; New edition, 1990-01-04
Excerpt at
Snippet preview at Google Books
■外部リンク External links
[en] English
* Jan Morris (formerly James Morris) Biography - (1926– )
The Times, Guardian, Coronation Everest, Coast to Coast, Venice
* Jan Morris - Goodreads
* Jan Morris - Wikipedia (1926- )
[ja] 日本語
* ジャン・モリス - 関心空間 by tomoki y.
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