This book by Sir Edmund Huey was originally published in 1908 by MacMillan, and reprinted in 1968 by MIT Press. For other editions, click here.
I have lived my life in the service of words: finding where they hide in the convoluted recesses of the brain, studying their layers of meaning and form, and teaching their secrets to the young.
-- Preface
These two dimensions of the reading brain's development and evolution—the personal-intellectual and the biological—are rarely described together, but there are critical and wonderful lessons to be discovered in doing just that. In this book I use the celebrated French novelist Marcel Proust as metaphor and the largely underappreciated squid as analogy for two very different aspects of reading. Proust saw reading as a kind of intellectual "sanctuary," where human beings have access to thousands of different realities they might never encounter or understand otherwise. Each of these new realities is capable of transforming readers' intellectual lives without ever requiring them to leave the comfort of their armchairs.
-- Chapter One: Reading Lessons From Proust and the Squid
An article in July/August 2008 issue of The Atlantic magazine. Technology writer Nicholas G. Carr is highly critical of the Internet's effect on cognition. Carr cites Maryanne Wolf in this article.
■はじめに Introduction Video 1 映画 スワンの恋 (1984) Film Swann in Love (1984) Gallery 表紙画像 Cover photos
■中国語訳(簡体字) Translation into simplified Chinese
■日本語訳 Translations into Japanese
(J1) 吉川 2010
(J2) 高遠 2010
(J3) 鈴木 1990, 2002, etc.
(J4) 井上 1973, 1984, etc.
(J5) 淀野+井上 1953, 1974
(J6) 五來 1934
(J7) 淀野+佐藤 1931
■日本語ラジオドラマ (1953) とそのシナリオの書籍化 (1985)
Radio drama in Japanese (1953) and publication of its script (1985) Audio 1 ラジオドラマ スワン家のほうへ Swann's Way, a radio drama in English
■ロシア語訳 Translation into Russian
■英訳 Translations into English
(E1) Davis, 2002
(E2) Moncrieff, 1922
■スペイン語訳 Translation into Spanish Video 2 マルセル・プルーストの生と死 Vie et mort de Marcel Proust Audio 2 プチット・マドレーヌ La petite madeleine
■フランス語原文 The original text in French
■更新履歴 Change log
A six-part series (60 min. each) dramatised by Michael Butt for the "The Classic Serial", broadcast between 6 February 2005 and 13 March 2005. Starring James Wilby. Produced by Fiction Factory. The entire series is downloadable with fee from i-Tunes. The scene in which "I" dip a piece of madeleine in tea at Aunt Leonie's starts around 2:15.
■ロシア語訳 Translation into Russian
Мама велела подать мне одно из тех кругленьких и пузатеньких пирожных, называемых Petites Madeleines, формочками для которых как будто служат желобчатые раковины моллюсков из вида морских гребешков. [Omission] я машинально поднес к своим губам ложечку чаю, в котором намочил кусочек мадлены. Но в то самое мгновение, когда: глоток чаю с крошками пирожного коснулся моегь неба, я взррогнул, пораженный необыкновенностью происходящего во мне. Сладостное ощущение широкой волной разлилось по мне, казалось, без всякой причины. [Omission]
И вдруг воспоминание всплыло передо мной. Вкус этот был вкусом кусочка мадлены, которым по воскресным утрам в Комбре [Omission] угощала меня тетя Леония, предварительно намочив его в чае или в настойке из липового цвета, когда я приходил в ее комнату поздороваться с нею.
Марсель Пруст. В поисках утраченного времени. Книга I. В сторону Свана. Сов. писатель, Ленинградское отд-ние, 1992. Translated by А. А. Франковского
(E1) Davis, 2002
She sent for one of those squat, plump cakes called petites madeleines that look as though they have been molded in the grooved valve of a scallop-shell. [Omission] I carried to my lips a spoonful of the tea in which I had let soften a piece of madeleine. But at the very instant when the mouthful of tea mixed with cake-crumbs touched my palate, I quivered, attentive to the extraordinary thing that was happening in me. A delicious pleasure had invaded me, isolated me, without my having any notion as to its cause. [Omission]
And suddenly the memory revealed itself. The taste was that of the little piece of madeleine which on Sunday mornings at Combray [Omission], when I went to say good morning to her in her bedroom, my aunt Leonie used to give me, dipping it first in her own cup of tea or tisane.
The Way by Swann's by Marcel Proust. In Search of Lost Time. Translated by Lydia Davis, 2002. Paperback: Penguin Classics, 2004/12
(E2) Moncrieff, 1922
She sent out for one of those short, plump little cakes called 'petites madeleines,' which look as though they had been moulded in the fluted scallop of a pilgrim's shell. [Omission] I raised to my lips a spoonful of the tea in which I had soaked a morsel of the cake. No sooner had the warm liquid, and the crumbs with it, touched my palate than a shudder ran through my whole body, and I stopped, intent upon the extraordinary changes that were taking place. An exquisite pleasure had invaded my senses, but individual, detached, with no suggestion of its origin. [Omission]
And suddenly the memory returns. The taste was that of the little crumb of madeleine which on Sunday mornings at Combray [Omission], when I went to say good day to her in her bedroom, my aunt Leonie used to give me, dipping it first in her own cup of real or of lime-flower tea.
Swann's Way by Marcel Proust. [Vol. 1 of Remembrance of Things Past] Translated from the French by C. K. Scott Moncrieff. New York, Henry Holt Company, 1922
Mandó mi madre por uno de esos bollos, cortos y abultados, que llaman magdalenas, que parece que tienen por molde una valva de concha de peregrino. [Omission] me llevé a los labios unas cucharadas de té en el que había echado un trozo de magdalena. Pero en el mismo instante en que aquel trago, con las miga del bollo, tocó mi paladar, me estremecí, fija mi atención en algo extraordinario que ocurría en mi interior. Un placer delicioso me invadió, me aisló, sin noción de lo que lo causaba. [Omission]
Y de pronto el recuerdo surge. Ese sabor es el que tenía el pedazo de magdalena que mi tía Leoncia me ofrecía, después de mojado en su infusión de té o de tilo, los domingos por la mañana en Combray [Omission], cuando iba a darle los buenos días a su cuarto.
Primera Parte. Combray. I. Por el camino de Swann. En busca del tiempo perdido I by Marcel Proust
1:53:36 Elle envoya chercher un de ces gâteaux courts et dodus appelés Petites Madeleines qui semblaent avoir été moulés dans la valve rainurée d’une coquille de Saint-Jacques [Omission] 1:53:55 je portai à mes lèvres une cuillerée du thé où j’avais laissé s’amollir un morceau de madeleine. Mais à l’instant même où la gorgée mêlée des miettes du gâteau toucha mon palais, je tressaillis, attentif à ce qui se passait d’extraordinaire en moi. Un plaisir délicieux m’avait envahi, isolé, sans la notion de sa cause. [Omission]
1:59:27 Et tout d’un coup le souvenir m’est apparu. Ce goût celui du petit morceau de madeleine que le dimanche matin à Combray [Omission], 1:59:43 quand j’allais lui dire bonjour dans sa chambre, ma tante Léonie m’offrait après l’avoir trempé dans son infusion de thé ou de tilleul.
Première Partie. Combray. I. Du côté de chez Swann (1913). À la recherche du temps perdu, Tome I, by Marcel Proust.
青い数字は上のビデオ画面に表示されている時間です。クリックすると新しいウインドウが開いて、その箇所の録音にジャンプします。 The numerals in blue indicate the time displayed on the video above. To jump to the recording of each passage, click the numerals; a new window will open and the recording will jump to that section.
2010/09/21 映画 『スワンの恋』 (1984) の YouTube 動画、表紙画像、および高遠弘美=訳 2010/09/20 を追加しました。また、このブログ記事のタイトルに古い邦題を追加して、つぎのように変更しました:
旧題: A la Recherche du Temps Perdu by Marcel Proust
新題: A la Recherche du Temps Perdu by Marcel Proust
There are few things humans are more dedicated to than unhappiness. Had we been placed on earth by a malign creator for the exclusive purpose of suffering, we would have good reason to congratulate ourselves on our enthusiastic response to the task. Reasons to be inconsolable abound: the frailty of our bodies, the fickleness of love, the insincerities of social life, the compromises of friendship, the deadening effects of habit. In the face of such persistent ills, we might naturally expect that no event would be awaited with greater anticipation than the moment of our own extinction.
How Proust Can Change Your Life by Alain de Botton (1997)
* Hardcover: Pantheon Books, 1st edition (1997/05)
* Paperback: Vintage Books (1998/05)
* Excerpt at Salon | How Proust Can Change Your Life: Not ...
Alain de Botton "Comment Proust peut changer votre vie" Paperback: Editions 10/18 (2002/04) Excerpt at: Rencontre & rencontre
■英語原文 The original text in English
(……)In 1922, both writers were at a black-tie dinner given at the Ritz for Stravinsky, Diaghilev and members of the Russian Ballet, in order to celebrate the first night of Stravinsky's Le Renard. Joyce arrived late and without a dinner jacket, Proust kept his fur coat on throughout the evening and what happened once they were introduced was later reported by Joyce to a friend:
'Our talk consisted solely of the word "Non". Proust asked me if I
knew the work of so-and-so. I said, "Non." Our hostess asked Proust
if he had read such and such a piece of Ulysses. Proust said, "Non."
And so on.'
After dinner, Proust got into his taxi with his hosts, Violet and Sydney Schiff, and without asking, followed them in.(……)
How Proust Can Change Your Life by Alain de Botton (1997)
* Hardcover: Pantheon Books, 1st edition (1997/05)
* Paperback: Vintage Books (1998/05)
* Excerpt at Salon | How Proust Can Change Your Life: Not ...
* Excerpt at
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