[en] Then come its arms. When the baby is completely born, the doctor cuts the umbilical cord which has carried food to the baby all this time, for it is no longer needed.
(Distribution of Obscene Objects)
Article 175 A person who distributes, sells or displays in public an obscene document, drawing or other objects shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than 2 years, a fine of not more than 2,500,000 yen or a petty fine. The same shall apply to a person who possesses the same for the purpose of sale.
Penal Code
Act No. 45 of April 24, 1907 Japanese Law Translation
■スウェーデン語 [sv] から英語 [en] への機械翻訳(無修正)
Machine translations from Swedish into English (no modification)
(E1) Google Translate [sv] -> [en]
True and Klas is a bit surprising that it suddenly is ready.
Murmur is very messy and wrinkled after being soaked inside the womb as long.
(Sanna's tail is too wet and sticky by water and blood that has existed inside the uterus. All of it will drain out.)
(E2) Bing Translator (Powered by Microsoft® Translator) [sv] -> [en]
Sanna and class is a bit surprising that it suddenly is finished.
Pan Speedrock in Melbourne is too kladdig and wrinkled after having been in wet inside of the uterus so long.
(Sanna's tail is also wet and kladdig by water and blood that has been around inside the uterus. The whole thing will fizzle out.)
(E3) Translation-Guide.com (Powered by WordTran/NeuroTran®) [sv] -> [en]
TRUE and Cluster am failing few forvanande over that the plotsligt am failing fardigt.
Murmur am failing altogether sticky and wrinkled behind that had legacy in mere darinne in the womb said lange.
( TRUE stjart am failing also mere and sticky of water and blood as had funnits in in the womb. Always ska stream ut. )
(E4) SYSTRANet [sv] -> [en]
Genuine and Klas is little amazing over that it sudden is completed.
Mumbles are far too smeary and crumpled after to have lain in soak in there in the uterus so long.
(genuine arsehole is also soak and smeary of waters and blood that have been in the uterus. Everything will run out.)
■スウェーデン語原文 The original text in Swedish
Sanna och Klas är lite förvånande över att det plötsligt är färdigt.
Mummel är alldeles kladdig och skrynklig efter att ha legat i blöt därinne i livmodern så länge.
(Sannas stjärt är också blöt och kladdig av vatten och blod som har funnits inne i livmodern. Alltihop ska rinna ut.)
■Mahatma Gandhi 2 October 2010 | Life and Work of Mahatma Gandhi
■中国語訳(簡体字) Translations into simplified Chinese
(C1) 向达 2007
[テキストは未見 - tomoki y.]
Title: 甘地自传 = Mahatma Gandhi: His Own Story
Author: 甘地着 C. F. Andrews编 ; 向达译
Gandhi, Mahatma; C F Andrews; Da Xiang
Publisher: 北京中献拓方科技发展有限公司
Year: 2007
My brother's wife had thoroughly coached me about my behaviour on the first night. I do not know who had coached my wife. I have never asked her about it, nor am I inclined to do so now. The reader may be sure that we were too nervous to face each other. We were certainly too shy. How was I to talk to her, and what was I to say? The coaching could not carry me far. But no coaching is really necessary in such matters. The impressions of the former birth are potent enough to make all coaching superfluous. We gradually began to know each other, and to speak freely together. We were the same age. but I took no time in assuming the authority of a husband.
Encuadernación: Tapa dura
ISBN: 9788496879140
Año de edición:2008
Plaza edición: BARCELONA
[fr] フランス語 Clapton par Eric Clapton [Broché]
Eric Clapton (Auteur), Florence Bertrand (Traduction)
Broché: 320 pages
Editeur : Buchet Chastel (11 octobre 2007)
Collection : Musique
Langue : Français
ISBN-10: 2283022517
ISBN-13: 978-2283022511
[en] 英語 UK paperback
タイトル: Eric Clapton: The Autobiography
著者: Eric Clapton
出版社: London: Arrow Books (an imprint of Random House UK)
出版年: 2008-07-03
ISBN-10 : 0099505495
ISBN-13 : 9780099505495 Publisher's page for this book
[en] 英語 US paperback
タイトル: Clapton: The Autobiography
著者: Eric Clapton
出版社: New York: Broadway Books (an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House Inc.)
出版年: 2008-05-27
ISBN-10 : 076792536X
ISBN-13 : 9780767925365 Publisher's page for this book
[en] 英語 UK hardcover
タイトル: Eric Clapton: The Autobiography
著者: Eric Clapton
出版社: London: Century (a division of Random House UK)
出版年: 2007-10-09
ISBN-10 : 1846051606
ISBN-13 : 9781846051609 Publisher's page for this book
[en] 英語 US hardcover
タイトル: Clapton: The Autobiography
著者: Eric Clapton
出版社: New York: Crown Archetype (an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc.)
出版年: 2007-10-09
ISBN-10 : 038551851X
ISBN-13 : 9780385518512 Publisher's page for this book
[Omission] As luck would have it, she was put at the desk directly in front of me in the classroom, so one morning I plucked up courage and asked her, without any idea of what the words meant, “Do you fancy a shag?” She looked at me with a bemused expression, because she obviously didn’t have a clue what I was talking about, but at playtime she went and told another girl what I’d said, and asked what it meant. After lunch I was summoned to the headmaster’s office, where, after being quizzed as to exactly what I had said to her and being made to promise to apologize, I was bent over and given six of the best. I left in tears, and the whole episode had a dreadful effect on me, as from that point on I tended to associate sex with punishment, shame, and embarrassment, feelings that colored my sexual life for years.
ファニー・ヒル全巻オーディオブック 朗読: ピーター・イアーズリー
Fanny Hill - Full audiobook read by Peter Yearsley
下に引用する箇所の朗読は 1:37:33 から始まります。 Uploaded to YouTube by GreatestAudioBooks on 28 Sep 2013. Audio courtesy of LibriVox. Reading of the excerpt below starts at 1:37:33.
■英語原文 The original text in English
But who could count the fierce, unnumber's kisses given and taken? in which I could of ten discover their exchanging the velvet thrust, when both their mouths were double tongued, and seemed to favour the mutual insertion with the greatest gust and delight.
In the mean time, his red-headed champion, that has so lately fled the pit, quell'd and abash'd, was now recover'd to the top of his condition, perk'd and crested up between Polly's thighs, who was not wanting, on her part, to coax and deep it in good humour, stroking it, with her head down, and received even its velvet tip between the lips of not its proper mouth:
While ads for men told them they would not advance at the office without soap and deodorant, women fretted that no one would want to have sex with them unless their bodies were impeccably clean. ( . . . ) In fact, there’s no evidence that the birthrate ever fell because people were too smelly for copulation. And although modern people have a hard time accepting it, at least in public, the relationship between sex and odourless cleanliness is neither constant nor predictable. The ancient Egyptians went to great lengths to be clean, but both sexes anointed their genitals with perfumes designed to deepen and exaggerate their natural aroma. ( . . . ) Napoleon and Josephine were fastidious for their time in that they both took a long, hot, daily bath. But Napoleon wrote Josephine from a campaign, “I will return to Paris tomorrow evening. Don't wash.”
The Dirt on Clean: An Unsanitized History (2007)
by Katherine Ashenburg
First published by Knopf/Random House Canada
* Paperback: North Point Press, 2008/10 (forthcoming)
* Hardcover: North Point Press, 2007/11
■ロゴ・雑誌の表紙・本の表紙 Logo, magazine cover and book cover
Left We Never Sleep - The logo of Pinkerton National Detective Agency
Image source: Wikipedia Centre Black Mask magazine, September 1929, featuring part 1 of its serialization of The Maltese Falcon. Illustration of Sam Spade by Henry C. Murphy, Jr. Image source: Wikipedia Right Sam Spade, Private Eye. Image source: The Timeless Theater
Cf. The Smart Set - Wikipedia
■英語原文 The original text in English
[The text consits of twenty-nine numbered paragraphs, out of which I will quote the following five at my discretion - tomoki y.]
2. A man whom I was shadowing went out into the country for a walk one
Sunday afternoon and lost his bearings completely. I had to direct him
back to the city.
3. House burglarly is probably the poorest paid trade in the world. I have
never known anyone to make a living at it. But for that matter few
crimiinals of any class are self-supporting unless they toil at
something legitimate between times. Most of them, however, live
on their women.
5. Three times I have been mistaken for a prohibition agent, but never
had any trouble clearing myself.
8. I was once falsely accused of perjury and had to perjure myself to
escape arrest.
25. Going from the larger cities out into the remote, rural communities
one finds a steadily decreasing percentage of crimes that have to do
with money and a proportionate increase in the frequency of sex as
a criminal motive.
The Memoirs of a Private Detective
Dashiell Hammett's Real Life Cases
E-text at The Thrilling Detective Web Site, which states as follows:
This article originally appeared in the March 1923 of
The Smart Set (...) [and has] been reprinted a few times
since, but it's still pretty hard to find, so here it is.
But please don't tell anyone...
■はじめに Introduction Images 本の表紙、著者とその息子 Book covers, The author and her son
■日本語訳 Translation into Japanese
■英語原文 The original text in English Video 1 An Evening with Jan Morris in Conversation with Don George Video 2 トランスセクシャルの人たちに薦める本 Helpful books for transsexuals
■性転換手術の内実 The reality of her sex change surgery
■「性転換」に関わる用語について On terminology relating to "sex change"
■モリスとカルーセル麻紀: トリヴィア Trivia
■tomokilog の関連記事 Related article from tomokilog
■外部リンク External links
■更新履歴 Change log
I was three or perhaps four years old when I realized that I had been born into the wrong body, and should really be a girl. I remember the moment well, and it is the earliest memory of my life.
Video 2
トランスセクシャルの人たちに薦める本 A few helpful books for transsexuals
トランスセクシャルの人々に推薦する本として、この女性はミルドレッド・ブラウンとクロエ・ラウンズリーの共著『トゥルー・セルブズ』とならんでジャン・モリスの『苦悩』を挙げています。ビデオの 4:08 あたりからご覧ください。 Uploaded by LainWest on Jun 21, 2010. As for books for transsexuals, this woman recommends Jan Morris's Conundrum (especially Chapter 12: Changing sex—hormonal effects—a precarious condition— self-protection—rules) along with True Selves by Mildred L. Brown and Chloe Ann Rounsley. Watch the video from around 4:08.
モリスは、こんどは性転換手術の世界的パイオニアといわれるモロッコ在住のフランス人医師 Dr. Georges Burou のもとを訪ねて手術を受けた。モリスの睾丸とペニスは除去され、Dr. Burou は膣の役目を果たす空洞を人工的にこしらえた。陰唇は、モリスの陰嚢の組織から作りあげられ、空洞部の表面は、モリスのペニスの敏感な部分の皮膚を用いて覆われた。モリスの尿道の海綿状の部分は、クリトリスが位置すべき場所を形成した。
私の記憶違いでなければ、ジェームズ・モリスがジャン・モリスになるための手術を施した、モロッコの医師 Dr. Georges Burou は、カルーセル麻紀さんに執刀したのとおなじ人だったと思います。ふたりが手術を受けた時期も、おなじ1970年代の比較的近い時期だったと、どこかで読んだように記憶します。
[de] ドイツ語
Title: Sightseeing Erzählungen [Perfect Paperback]
Author: Rattawut Lapcharoensap (Author) Ingo Herzke (Translator)
Perfect Paperback: 232 pages
Publisher: Kiepenheuer und Witsch Verlag, Köln (2006)
Language: German
ISBN-10: 3462036874
ISBN-13: 9783462036879
More info at:
* buecher.de
* bol.com
[nl] オランダ語
Title: Sightseeing
Author: Rattawut Lapcharoensap Translator: Dennis Keesmaat
Nederlands - Hardcover
Publisher: Vassallucci 2005-05
ISBN-10: 9050005926
ISBN-13: 9789050005920
More info at nnbh.com
[en] Canada
Title: Sightseeing : Stories [Hardcover]
Author: Rattawut Lapcharoensap
Hardcover: 208 pages
Publisher: Penguin Books Canada, Limited
ISBN-10: 0670063894
ISBN-13: 9780670063895
More info at paperbackswap.com
[en] UK paperback 2006
Title: Sightseeing
Author: Rattawut Lapcharoensap
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Atlantic Books; New edition (13 April 2006)
ISBN-10: 1843543729
ISBN-13: 9781843543725
古屋美登里(ふるや・みどり)=訳 a. 『観光』 ハヤカワepi文庫 早川書房 2010/08/30 所収 b. 『観光』 単行本 早川書房 2007/02 所収
引用は b. 単行本に拠りました。
■英語原文 The original text in English
May says,"Pussy and elephants. That's all these people want." She always says this in August, at the season's peak, when she's tired of farangs running all over the Island, tired of finding used condoms in the motel's rooms, tired of guests complaining to her in five languages. She turns to me and says, "You give them history, temples, pagodas, traditional dance, floating markets, seafood curry, tapioca desserts, silk-weaving cooperatives, but all they really want is to ride some hulking gray beast like a bunch of wildmen and to pant over girls and to lie there half-dead getting skin cancer on the beach during the time in between."
from Sightseeing by Rattawut Lapcharoensap
* Paperback: Grove Press (2006)
* Hardcover: Grove Press (2004)
* E-text at Granta.com
■「セックスと象」 "Pussy and elephants"
[ja] 「セックスと象だよ」 日本語
[sv] "Fitta och elefanter" スウェーデン語
[de] "Muschis und Elefanten" ドイツ語
[nl] "Poesjes en olifanten" オランダ語
[en] "Pussy and elephants" 英語
2011/01/17 「セックスと象」の項を追加しました。
2010/10/29 表紙画像を追加し、書誌情報を補足しました。
2010/10/07 表紙画像を追加し、日本語訳の書誌情報を補足しました。
2007/06/03 Granta 97: Best of Young American Novelists 2 に関する
↓ 以下の本・CD・DVDのタイトルはブラウザ画面を更新すると入れ替ります。
↓ Refresh the window to display alternate titles of books, CDs and DVDs.
Super positions: Une histoire des techniques amoureuses
by Ann Alter & Perrine Cherchève
(c) Hachette Litteratures, 2003
* Paperback: Livre de Poche (1 juin 2005)
* Hardcover: Hachette (6 octobre 2004)
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