レノンは入口付近でマーク・デイヴィッド・チャップマンという若者に拳銃で撃たれた。チャップマンは5発撃ち、そのうち4発がレノンに命中した。レノンはかけつけた警察の車で近くのローズヴェルト病院に運ばれた。だが、病院到着時には既に死亡している状態 (DOA; dead on arrival) だったと発表された。
UNICEF #IMAGINE - North America (Adam Lambert, Katy Perry, John Lennon, Bill Kaulitz...)
Who killed John Lennon?
I, said Mark Chapman,
With my right to bear arms,
I killed John Lennon
Who killed John Lennon?
I, said Mark Chapman,
With my right to bear arms,
I killed John Lennon.
Who saw John die?
I, said Yoko,
With my little eye,
I saw him die.
Who caught his blood?
I, said New York,
With my stone melting pot,
I caught his blood.
Who'll make the shroud?
I, said the Beetle,
With some old songs,
I'll make the shroud.
Who'll dig his grave?
I, said the Queen,
With a sword of knighthood,
I'll dig his grave.
Who'll be the parson?
I, said Jude,
Without a Bible,
I'll be the parson.
Who will then attend?
I, said the fool,
Coming down from my hill,
I will then attend.
A Dirge for John Lennon Page 99, Map of Days by Tanikawa Shuntarô. Translated by Harold Wright. Asian Poetry in Translation: Japan #19. Published by New Mexico: Katydid Books, 1996. Snippet view at Google Books.
All men possess penises.
Something they should remember for life,
they forget the next day. Flick one switch and beautiful music
comes drifting in from beyond death,
and in that direction men
twist themselves up again and again.
"Even when cut off from all hope,
we can't learn to live without hope." Seeing a grain of rice on the floor
sprouting in some distant mud is what men dread. So to pass their times of torment
they read of worse torment in their tales.
All men possess penises.
Men in Map of Days by Tanikawa Shuntarô. Translated by Harold Wright. Asian Poetry in Translation: Japan #19. Published by New Mexico: Katydid Books, 1996. Snippet view at Google Books.
■ローマ字表記された日本語 Romanized text in Japanese
Otoko-tachi wa mina penisu o motte ita
Isshô wasurerarenai to omou dekigoto o
akuru hi ni wa wasureta
Suitchi hitotsu de utsukushii ongaku ga
shi no mukô kara nagaredete
sono hôgaku e to otoko-tachi wa
jibun o ikue ni mo oritatamu
<Nozomi o tatarete mo
nozomanu koto ni wa kesshite nareru koto wa nai>
Yuka no ue no hito-tsubu no kome ga
tôi nukarumi de me o fuku koto o osorete
kurushimi no toki o sugosu tame ni
sara-ni hidoi kurushimi no monogatari o yomu
Otoko-tachi wa mina penisu o motte ita
Otoko-tachi in Map of Days by Tanikawa Shuntarô. Asian Poetry in
Translation: Japan #19. Published by New Mexico: Katydid Books, 1996.
Snippet view at Google Books.
[pl] ポーランド語 Książka o smutku
著者: Michael Rosen
出版社:Egmont Polska Sp. z o.o.
Indeks: 69154348
[de] ドイツ語 Mein trauriges Buch
著者: Michael Rosen, Richard Rosenstein (Translator)
出版社:Freies Geistesleben Gmbh
ISBN-10 : 377252060X
[ca] カタルーニャ語(カタロニア語) El llibre trist
著者: Michael Rosen. Quentin Blake (Illustrator)
出版社:Ediciones Serres, S.L.
ISBN-13 : 9788484881612
More info at Quatre Petites Cantonades
[es] スペイン語 El Libro Triste
著者: Michael Rosen Esther Rubio (Translator)
出版社:Ediciones Serres, S.L.
ISBN-10 : 8484881512
More info at Catalonia.cl
[fr] フランス語 Quand je suis Triste
著者: Michael Rosen
出版社:Editions Gallimard
発売日: 2005-03-03
ISBN-10 : 2070508285
More infor at: Chapitre.com
[en] 英語 Michael Rosen's Sad Book
著者: Michael Rosen. Quentin Blake (Illustrator)
出版社:Walker Books Ltd
ISBN-10 : 0744598982
More info at Walker.co
One, two, buckle my shoe
Three, four, knock at the door
Five, six, pick up sticks
Seven, eight, lay them straight
Nine, ten, a big fat hen
Eleven, twelve, dig and delve
Thirteen, fourteen, maids a'courting
Fifteen, sixteen, maids in the kitchen
Seventeen, eighteen, maids a'waiting
Nineteen, twenty, my platter's empty ...
LeftShuntaro Tanikawa: Selected Poems Translated into English by William I. Elliott and Kazuo Kawamura. Paperback: Persea Books (2001) Centre『おならうた』絵本館 (2006) Right『ことばあそびうた』福音館書店 (1973)
Image Video 1 Swansea Museum's Cabinet of Curiosities
■日本語訳 Translations into Japanese
(1) 中山 2006
(2) 鳥山 2002 (?)
(3) 河野 1998
(4) 和田 1989
(5) 藤野 1987
(6) 宮川+篠塚+三好 1986
(7) 渡辺 1986
(8) 寺山 1984
(9) 石川 1981
(10) 岸田 1976
(11) 谷川 1975
(12) 内野 1973
(13) 北原 1925, 1976, etc.
(14) 竹友 1925, 1988
(15) 竹久 1910, 1985 Video 2 Death and Burial of Poor Cock Robin by H. L. Stephens
■英語原詩 The original song in English
■オススメのサイト Recommended website
■更新履歴 Change log
Title -- The death and burial of Cock Robin
Publisher -- William S. Fortey : 2 and 3 Monmouth Court, the premises of CATNACH Press, London (UK)
Image source: Elizabeth Nesbitt Room Chapbook Collection,
Information Sciences Library, University of Pittsburgh
Video 1
Swansea Museum's Cabinet of Curiosities
"Who Killed Cock Robin?" - Swansea Heritage
Video 2
Death and Burial of Poor Cock Robin by H. L. Stephens
Uploaded by CCProseKids on Jan 25, 2012. Children's Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Phil Chenevert.
■英語原詩 The original song in English
Who killed Cock Robin?
I, said the Sparrow, with my bow and arrow,
I killed Cock Robin.
Who saw him die?
I, said the Fly, with my little eye,
I saw him die.
All the birds of the air fell a-sighing and a-sobbing, when they heard the bell toll for poor Cock Robin.
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