テレビシリーズ 『ジーヴス&ウースター (1990-1993)』 第1期第2話 (1990)
TV series Jeeves and Wooster (1990-1993) Series 1 Episode 2 (1990) Episode title: "The Dog McIntosh" a.k.a. "Tuppy and the Terrier," "Bertie is in Love" or "The Golf Tournament."
"I'll tell you. You know mother ?"
"Whose mother?"
"My mother."
"Oh, yes. I thought you meant the kid's mother." "He hasn't got a mother. Only a father, who is a big theatrical manager in America. I met him at a party the other night."
"The father?"
"Yes, the father."
"Not the kid?"
"No, not the kid."
"Right. All clear so far. Proceed."
"Well, Mother — my mother — has dramatized one of her novels, and when I met this father, this theatrical manager father, and, between ourselves, made rather a hit with him, I said to myself, "Why not?"
"Why not what?"
"Why not plant Mother's play on him."
"Your mother's play?"
"Yes, not his mother's play. He is like his son, he hasn't got a mother, either."
"These things run in families, don't they?"
Episode of the Dog McIntosh from Very Good, Jeeves! (1930) by P.G. Wodehouse
The story first appeared in the October 1929 issue of the Strand magazine.
原書: Best Dog Stories
Introduction by Gerald Durrell ; edited by Lesley O'Mara.
Wing Books, New York 1991.
■英語原文 The original text in English
'Yes,' he said. 'Doing a picture with Clarry.'
'Clara Svelte. A nice little thing. I could wish no better support. I see no reason why I should not use her in my next, unless this girl Garbo is as good as they say. I am having Greta watched closely, with a view to taking her on. That Swedish accent is a bit of a drawback, of course, but I could carry her. And now, my dear fellow,' said Stiffy, T know you will excuse me. I have to save my voice. And my man will be along in a moment wih the car to take me to the lot. So glad to have seen you.'
Gone Wrong by P.G. Wodehouse
in Best Dog Stories
Introduction by Gerald Durrell ; edited by Lesley O'Mara.
* ISBN: 1854790811. London : O’Mara, 1990-09-20.
* ISBN: 0517064987.
New York : Wings Books, Distributed by Outlet Book Co., 1991-08-27.
* ISBN: 0330317350, Pan Books, 1991-11-08.
Jeeves & Wooster, a British TV series (1990-1993) adapted from P.G. Wodehouse's Jeeves stories, It starred Stephen Fry as Jeeves and Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster. More information at the following websites:
"LIFE, LADDIE," said Ukridge, "is very rum."
He had been lying for some time silent on the sofa, his face towards the ceiling; and I had supposed that he was asleep. But now it appeared that it was thought, not slumber, that had caused his unwonted quietude.
"Very, very rum," said Ukridge.
He heaved himself up and stared out of the window. The sitting-room window of the cottage which I had taken in the country looked upon a stretch of lawn, backed by a little spinney ; and now there stole in through it from the waking world outside that first cool breeze which heralds the dawning of a summer day.
"Great Scott! " I said, looking at my watch. "Do you realize you've kept me up talking all night?" Ukridge did not answer. [Omission]
A Bit of Luck for Mabel by P.G. Wodehouse
This story first appeared in:
UK: January 1926 Strand
US: 26 December 1925 Saturday Evening Post
It was later included in: Eggs, Beans and Crumpets by P.G. Wodehouse
First published in:
UK: 26 April 1940 by Herbert Jenkins, London
US: 10 May 1940 by Doubleday, Doran, New York
Images 表紙と著者と妻 Book covers, the author and his wife
■日本語訳 Translations into Japanese
(J1) 森村 2005
(J2) 井上 1966
(J3) 大木 1960 Audio 1 ウッドハウスへのインタビュー P. G. Wodehouse Interview Audio 2 英語原文のオーディオブック Audiobook in English
■英語原文 The original text in English
■外部リンク External links
■更新履歴 Change log
表紙と著者と妻 Book covers, the author and his wife
Audio 1
P. G. Wodehouse discussing Jeeves and Wooster (1960s Interview)
Audio 2
英語原文のオーディオブック 朗読: マーク・ネルソン
Audiobook in English read by Read by Mark Nelson
下に引用する箇所は 8:45 から始まります。 Chapter 1: Leave it to Jeeves. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. The excerpt below starts at 8:45.
■英語原文 The original text in English
To complete the character-study of Mr. Worple, he was a man of extremely uncertain temper, and his general tendency was to think that Corky was a poor chump and that whatever step he took in any direction on his own account, was just another proof of his innate idiocy. I should imagine Jeeves feels very much the same about me.
Leave It to Jeeves
from My Man Jeeves (1919) by P.G. Wodehouse
The story first appeared in:
UK: June 1916, Strand
US: 5 February 1916, Saturday Evening Post
The story reappeared as The Artistic Career of Corky
in Carry On, Jeeves
They looked to him a hard bunch. Of Mrs Pulteney-Banks he could see little but a cocoon of shawls, but Lady Widdrington was right out in the open, and Lancelot did not like her appearance. The chatelaine of Widdrington Manor was one of those agate-eyed, purposeful, tweed-clad women of whom rural England seems to have a monopoly. She was not unlike what he imagined Queen Elizabeth must have been in her day. A determined and vicious specimen. He marveled that even a mutual affection for cats could have drawn his gentle uncle to such a one.
Cats Will Be Cats, from Mulliner Nights (1933), by P.G. Wodehouse
The story first appeared under a different title in the following magazines:
"Julia!" he cried.
"Wilby!" yipped the girl.
And Pongo says he never saw anything more sickening in his life than the way she flung herself into the blighter's arms and clung there like the ivy on the old garden wall. It wasn't that he had anything specific against the pink chap, but this girl had made a deep impression on him and he resented her glueing herself to another in this manner.
Uncle Fred Flits By (from Young Men in Spats) by P.G. Wodehouse. Originally published by Herbert Jenkins, 1936. Hardcover: Overlook Press, 2002/11
Uploaded to YouTube by Onecountryboy on 29 Jan 2016. Originally broadcast: 5 May 1955 (Season 3, Episode 32). The role of the Earl of Ickenham played by David Niven. More details at IMDb
原典: Chapter 5: The Pride of the Woosters Is Wounded. The Inimitable Jeeves. fromLife with Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse. Penguin, 1983/09 このペンギン版は「ジーヴズもの」の代表作 The Inimitable Jeeves, Very Good, Jeeves! および Right Ho, Jeeves の3タイトルを1冊にまとめたペーパーバック。
(J1) 森村訳 2005 「ウースター一族の誇り傷つく」
原題:The Pride of the Woosters Is Wounded
英:The Inimitable Jeeves (Herbert Jenkins, 1923/05)
米:Jeeves (George H. Doran, 1923/09)
(J2) 乾 訳 1956 「心配係の休暇」
英:Scoring Off Jeeves 初出誌:Strand (1922/02)
米:Bertie Gets Even 初出誌:Cosmopolitan (1922/03)
(J3) 上塚訳 1929 「ジーブスがゐなくては」
英:Scoring Off Jeeves 初出誌:Strand (1922/02)
米:Bertie Gets Even 初出誌:Cosmopolitan (1922/03)
ご覧のように、(J2) と (J3) は、邦題は異なりますが、原典はおなじ。"Scoring Off Jeeves" という短篇です。ウッドハウスは、これを英米の雑誌に発表した翌年、作品を前後2篇に分けて加筆修正し、前篇・後篇を、それぞれ "The Pride of the Woosters Is Wounded," "The Hero's Reward"(森村訳では邦題「英雄の報酬」)と名づけて、単行本 "The Inimitable Jeeves" に収めました。
この単行本収録作の前篇部分を訳したのが (J1) です。(J1) と、(J2) (J3) との間で、訳文に対応しない箇所があるのは、こういった事情のせいです(以上は、おもに The Russian Wodehouse Society に拠る)。
Jeeves & Wooster Season 1 Episode 1 Part 2/5
下の引用箇所に相当する会話は 2:50 あたりから始まります。 Uploaded to YouTube by wolfxbloed on 10 Jun 2009. The conversation corresponding to the excerpt below starts around 2:50.
■テレビ化作品 Jeeves and Wooster, a TV adaptation
Series 1. Directed by Robert Young.
Episode 1. Jeeves Takes Charge. (original broadcast: April 22, 1990)
Bertie Wooster's Aunt Agatha orders him to marry Honoria Glossop, who Agatha believes will "reform" him. Bertie finds his friend Bingo Little is infatuated with her, but his scheme to get them together fails. His capable new valet Jeeves steps in with a plan to convince Sir Roderick and Lady Glossop that their potential son-in-law is unfit to marry their daughter.
Also called "In Court After the Boat Race" or "Jeeves' Arrival." Adapted from:
"Jeeves Takes Charge"
"The Pride of the Woosters is Wounded" (from The Inimitable Jeeves)
"Introducing Claude and Eustace" (The Inimitable Jeeves)
"Sir Roderick Comes to Lunch" (The Inimitable Jeeves)
Yet here was young Bingo obviously all for her. There was no mistaking it. The love light was in the blighter's eyes.
'I worship her, Bertie! I worship the very ground she treads on!' continued the patient, in a loud, penetrating voice. Fred Thompson and one or two fellows had come in, and McGarry, the chappie behind the bar, was listening with his ears flapping; but there's no reticence about Bingo.
'Have you told her?'
'No. I haven't had the nerve. But we walk together in the garden most evenings, and it sometimes seems to me that there is a look in her eyes.
'I know that look. Like a sergeant-major.'
'Nothing of the kind! Like a tender goddess.'
It is a good rule in life never to apologize. The right sort of people do not want apologies, and the wrong sort take a mean advantage of them.
The Man Upstairs (1914) by P.G. Wodehouse
The story originally appeared in:
UK: March 1910 issue of Strand Magazine
US: March 1910 issue of Cosmopolitan
Wodehouse, pictured in 1930, arriving at Los Angeles to embark upon his Hollywood stint, accompanied by his daughter Leonora. Image source: The Russian Wodehouse Society
Lady Malvern was a hearty, happy, healthy, overpowering sort of dashed
female, not so very tall but making up for it by measuring about six feet
from the O.P. to the Prompt Side. She fitted into my biggest arm-chair as if it had been built round her by someone who knew they were wearing arm-chairs tight about the hips that season. She had bright, bulging eyes and a lot of yellow hair, and when she spoke she showed about fifty-seven front teeth. She was one of those women who kind of numb a fellow's faculties. She made me feel as if I were ten years old and had been brought into the drawing-room in my Sunday clothes to say how-d'you-do. Altogether by no means the sort of thing a chappie would wish to find in his sitting-room before breakfast.
Jeeves and the Unbidden Guest, from My Man Jeeves (1919) and Carry On, Jeeves (1925), by P.G. Wodehouse
-- Видимо, вам нравятся пьесы такого жанра.
-- Обожаю их.
-- Как и я. А детективные романы?
-- Ода!
-- Вы читали "Кровь на перилах"?
-- О да-да! По-моему, даже "Перерезанные глотки" ни в какое сравнение не идут.
-- По-моему, тоже. Ни в какое. Убийства более увлекательные, детективы более проницательные, улики позабористее... Никакого сравнения!
-- Я -- Амелия Бассетт, -- сказала девушка.
-- Сирил Муллинер. Бассетт? Почему эта фамилия мне знакома?
-- Вероятно, вы слышали о моей матери, леди Бассетт. Она ведь довольно известная охотница на крупную дичь и путешественница по неведомым пустыням и дебрям. Топает по джунглям и тому подобному. [Omission] Кстати... -- Девушка запнулась. -- Если она застанет нас за разговором, вы не забудете, что мы познакомились у Полтервудов?
-- Я понимаю.
-- Видите ли, мама не любит, когда со мной разговаривают люди, формально мне не представленные. А когда маме кто-нибудь не нравится, она имеет обыкновение обрушивать ему на голову какие-нибудь тяжелые предметы.
-- Ах так! -- сказал Сирил. -- Как горилла в "Крови ведрами"?
-- Именно. Скажите мне, -- спросила девушка, меняя тему, -- будь вы миллионером, предпочли бы вы удар в спину ножом для вскрытия конвертов или чтобы вас нашли без каких-либо следов насилия на теле пустым взором созерцающим нечто жуткое?
— Очевидно обичате криминалните пиеси.
— Обожавам ги!
— Аз също. А криминалните романи?
— О, да!
— Чели ли сте „Кръв по парапета“?
— Разбира се! Хареса ми повече от „Прерязани гърла“.
— Споделям вашето мнение. Далеч по-добър. И убийствата са по-сочни, и детективите са по-изтънчени, и следите, оставени от убиеца, са къде-къде по-интелигентни… Във всяко едно отношение е по-добър.
— Аз се казвам Амелия Басет — представило се момичето.
— А аз — Сирил Мълинър. Басет ли казахте? — Той смръщил леко вежди. — Къде съм чувал това име?
— Може би сте чували за майка ми — лейди Басет. Тя е прочут ловец на диви животни и изследовател на Африка. Постоянно се скита из разни джунгли. Сега излезе във фоайето да изпуши една цигара. Впрочем — момичето се поколебало, преди да продължи, — ако ни свари да разговаряме, бихте ли й споменали, че сме се запознали у Полтърудови?
— Напълно ви разбирам.
— Защото мама не обича хората да се заприказват, без да са били официално представени. А когато мама не обича някой, тя е склонна да го цапардоса с тъп предмет по главата.
— Ясно — кимнал Сирил. — Също като човекоподобната маймуна в „Прободен с рога“.
— Точно така. Кажете — сменило момичето темата, — ако бяхте милионер, какво бихте предпочели — да ви намушкат с нож в гърба, или да ви открият мъртъв без никаква следа от насилие, загледан с изцъклен поглед в нещо неописуемо ужасно?
Uploaded by nathanrj on Jul 21, 2011. Starring John Alderton (Cyril Mulliner), Pauline Collins (Amelia Bassett).
■英語原文 The original text in English
"You are evidently fond of mystery plays."
"I love them."
"So do I. And mystery novels?"
"Oh, yes!"
"Have you read Blood on the Banisters?"
"Oh, yes! I thought it was better than Severed Throats!"
"So did I," said Cyril. "Much better. Brighter murders, subtler detectives, crisper clues . . . better in every way."
"My name is Amelia Bassett," said the girl.
"Mine is Cyril Mulliner. Bassett?" He frowned thoughtfully. "The name seems familiar."
"Perhaps you have heard of my mother. Lady Bassett. She's rather a well-known big-game hunter and explorer. She tramps through jungles and things. [Omission] By the way"--she hesitated--"if she finds us talking, will you remember that we met at the Polterwoods'?"
"I quite understand."
"You see, Mother doesn't like people who talk to me without a formal introduction. And when Mother doesn't like anyone, she is so apt to hit them over the head with some hard instrument."
"I see," said Cyril. "Like the Human Ape in Gore by the Gallon."
"Exactly. Tell me," said the girl, changing the subject, "if you were a millionaire, would you rather be stabbed in the back with a paper knife or found dead without a mark on you, staring with blank eyes at some appalling sight?"
Strychnine in the Soup, from Mulliner Nights (1933), by P.G. Wodehouse
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